It probably wouldn't be that difficult if I could be arsed to make a big arena for the fight. Spaz is probably first priority, followed by Skeletron, then whichever out of the other Twin and the Destroyer I guess. Unless dawn screwed it up in which case Skeletron would have to be last and you could hope you can dodge his instagib.
Its a shame magic still seems to be underpowered and completely impractical in most situations.
Made some Soul of Light/Night farms anyway if people want to use em. About halfway down the Hellevator on the left is a Soul of Light farm, near the bottom on the right is a Soul of Night farm. Just hang in the middle of the meteor ore with ivy whip and shoot the Meteor Heads as they approach.
Its a shame magic still seems to be underpowered and completely impractical in most situations.
Made some Soul of Light/Night farms anyway if people want to use em. About halfway down the Hellevator on the left is a Soul of Light farm, near the bottom on the right is a Soul of Night farm. Just hang in the middle of the meteor ore with ivy whip and shoot the Meteor Heads as they approach.