Test - First big bike, help please!



20 Oct 2002
Hi all,

I've been riding a Yamaha SR125 for 2 years on CBT. Clocked up a fair amount of miles (30miles a day, 5 days a week) so have plenty of road experience - and it's my sole method of transport come rain or shine!

I've decided that in the next few weeks I'm going to book my MOD1 / MOD2 tests so that I can ride a bigger bike. So far, I've settled on a CB500 as unrestricted it does everything I need, has a V-Twin, and is easy to restrict for the first 2 years.

Can anyone offer me any suggestions? Am I making a fairly sound choice, any alternatives?

My reasoning behind going Accelerated Access rather than DAS is purely financial, I just don't have the money to lay down at the moment, and am relying on needing little/no training in order to pass on a 125 given current experience.

Thanks in advance for any pointers :)

Given my CBT is about to expire, I've now booked on to my first day of DAS next Sunday :) Theory test to be booked this evening, MOD1/2 after I get through Sunday to assess where I'm at.

Given the wait times locally (Reddich - 8-10 weeks!) I think I'll be booking ASAP.

Wish me luck! :D
Thanks for the advice all!

Day 1 of DAS completed today, and I must say I'm still grinning! My ride school use Honda CB400s - Really enjoyed myself!

Instructor was happy with my riding, positioning and lane disipline was good, observations were good but need brushing up - machine control was excellent.

Theory is booked for Sept 4th, 2nd lesson Sept 5th.

I sat my CBT 2 years ago with the same school, and after today they are confident that I'll only need one more lesson to be test ready.

Happy days :D
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