TFT LCD jitters - justified or am I being paranoid

17 Apr 2006
3rd rock...
Hallo :)

Welp after a graphics card upgrade next in line is a monitor. I currently have a Dell 15" CRT and I want something big...22" at least. I am checking out 21 & 22" CRTs at the moment.

As gorgeous as the TFT LCDs look I have a deep fear for the dreaded DEAD PIXELS (DPs) thingy. I even read someplace that manufacturers "expect" a certain number of these DPs to appear and wont replace/repair the unit if the maximum number of DPs is under 15 for example. I will find even one unacceptable TBH :rolleyes:

But...(and thats why I am here) this fear justified or have DPs been banished for good with the latest generation of LCD displays?

Thanx :)
you can still get dead pixels but they are less common than a few years ago due to improved manufacturing processes and quality control. This, taken from the sticky, might help too:

Q. What's the situation with Dead Pixels and can I bring them back to life?

A. Unfortunately dead pixels are common on TFT screens as they are often developed during the manufacturing stage. For retail costs to be kept low the companies cannot afford to make all screens defect-free and check for dead pixels all the time. Pixels can either be described as dead (permanently black) or lazy (stuck on a specific colour). They very rarely develop during use, unless you have a habit of poking the screen. If you are careful with the screen, hopefully you shouldn't develop any further pixel problems.

If you want to insure that you receive a pixel perfect screen (and who wouldn't at the kind of prices you are paying for the TFT!?!) then you can often pay for pixel checks from some online retailers. Beware though! Never buy a TFT from retailers who offer the pixel check without having the check done as you can be sure the screens they find to be non-perfect will be winging their way to the customers who don't have the check! The only other option to insure you get a pixel perfect screen is to check out the panel in a shop in person, then you can see for yourself.....

If you find you have a dead pixel there is not a lot you can do unfortunately. If you have a certain number of dead pixels (usually at least 3 or a certain number centrally on the panel) then the manufacturer will replace the TFT for you, but the number of dead pixels needed before this happens varies between each manufacturer, so check with them before you order if you're concerned.

Some lazy pixels can be bought back to life occasionally. Playing some fast paced games for a while, and massaging the pixel area with a lint free cloth can sometimes help revive the lazy pixel, but not in all cases.

If you still have a dead pixel problem, can't bring it back to life and can't RMA it under warranty then you can sometimes return it to the stockist if you purchased it online. If you bought online you can take advantage of the "Distance Selling Act" which entitles you to return any item within 7 days as you were not present at the time of purchase. If you are not happy with your TFT you can return it at your cost of postage and often claim a refund or exchange. However, be aware that a lot of places will try and charge you restocking fees and they will almost certainly specify the goods must be packaged and in the same condition as when you received it, so be careful to package it back up nicely. Legally, if the stocker accepts the TFT back as a return governed by the Distance Selling Act, then they are NOT allowed to charge you a restocking fee as covered in the Governement Regulations (page 11 in particular). This selling act is not qidely known by retailers, but does exist if you really need to use it. You should only have to pay for postage to send it back to them.

One thing to note. Viewsonic have a zero dead pixel policy which covers even dead sub pixels, and this goes for their "VP" range. It might be worth looking at those models, perhaps the VP2030B if you want a 20" screen if you're worried about dead pixels
One thing to note. Viewsonic have a zero dead pixel policy which covers even dead sub pixels, and this goes for their "VP" range. It might be worth looking at those models, perhaps the VP2030B if you want a 20" screen if you're worried about dead pixels

Thanks very much for that :) Also thanks for posting that sticky, very interesting. I will check out only Viewsonic ones now!!!

I know if I do get a TFT I will buy a good screen protector for it! Maybe high-quality tough acrylic to protect the screen!!
ive bought (or helped friends buy) 5 TFTs now

all from various different makes, and not one of them had a Dead Pixel

and if one does arrive, you stump up the postage costs and return it immaculate under distance selling regulations for a full refund

then promptly order another one

may well cost you £20, but does mean there is a safeguard there in case you do get an annoying dead pixel.

There really is no need just to consider only Viewsonic, there are lots of good TFT makers, its being incredibly paranoid to refuse to buy from them in case you get a dead pixel

whats the worse that can happen, you send it back ? its not all that bad ...
There really is no need just to consider only Viewsonic, there are lots of good TFT makers, its being incredibly paranoid to refuse to buy from them in case you get a dead pixel

Yea I guess :)

Its just that when you spend in the high £200s or low-mid £300s you want the things to be perfect :D

I know Im being paranoid lol specially after I went to a showroom 2 days ago and they had a good slection of TFTs on display...and yes one of them had a cluster of DPs right in the middle. Poor salesman didnt know I guess because the screen-saver was running and when he jiggled the mouse for me so I could check out the display the DPs stood out like a sore thumb.

I know I cannot judge all TFTs from one bad apple but Im getting over the worry...and u guys are helping
i bought my NEC 20inch GX2 for £300 odd

perfect with no dead / stuck pixels

dont think NEC are even that popular a make, unlike say samsung / viewsonic which do loads of press advertising
MrLOL said:
i bought my NEC 20inch GX2 for £300 odd

perfect with no dead / stuck pixels

dont think NEC are even that popular a make, unlike say samsung / viewsonic which do loads of press advertising

Hows the gaming/DVD performance on that? :)
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