My forearm has been aching for the last week. It seems to be the muscle - ulna side that controls my pinkie and ring finger flexing used to grip stuff. God knows what has caused this injury or why it aches randomly when not in use. It may have been caused by repeated stress or maybe grip that failed. I have been on 6 days a week routine and splitting my weekdays into a lunchtime sesh and an after work sesh, i could have quite easily just overused it without letting it recover.
I can still grip stuff, although if those fingers seem to struggle to generate any substantial grip force. I was due to do back and biceps today but i think i will do some leg training and avoid aggravating it or risking the perfectly good other forearm gripping muscles.
So I made it back in to the gym for a bro chest workout on a Monday! Keeping to the faith at least. It was a humbling experience. Legs today in theory....pray for me gym rats.
Nice! 2.5xbodyweight! Impressive stuff.Managed a 200 pull yesterday, it wasn't planned as I have only been back deadlifting for a few weeks and still working on refining my form and movement pattern. But yea, went for it to see how it was. It felt and looked **** which I'm not surprised about, went up quick enough.
Also not been following any strength specific training either so that's promising.
So I made it back in to the gym for a bro chest workout on a Monday! Keeping to the faith at least. It was a humbling experience. Legs today in theory....pray for me gym rats.
Brutal and humbling.In theory.. How did it go in practical haha.
Wait till he gets back up to 3x BWNice! 2.5xbodyweight! Impressive stuff.
It's been a while since I've posted a Deadlift video. I'm hoping you guys could take a look and advise please?(120kg @ 68.5kg).
You need to brace more to stop the bar pulling your back forward as you lift up. More hip drive needed too. Your second rep your back rounds as you let it go down - either drop it or control the decent (the latter would be preferable). Stop facing forward, head should be looking at the floor around 5ft ahead of you. Someone else may chime in with some more tips.
It's been a while since I've posted a Deadlift video. I'm hoping you guys could take a look and advise please?(120kg @ 68.5kg).
I'd like to be able to do deadlifts (as well as 'good mornings') but I must have a weakness there as even with light weights, it's only a matter of time before I end up with a mild to moderate injury. I don't believe the form is the issue, just a structural weakness, I guess. :/
I might look into doing hyperextensions for the lower back.