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Right, I decided to put myself through the torture that was 3 sim activation again, this time, magically, the fact that my office doesn't have a number wasn't an issue :rolleyes:

Anyway, so now I'm waiting for it to activate which they said will be 3 hours...

Is there anything special I have to do to get it pick up the settings and to have a "View Account" button like I have for o2 so I can change tariffs, cancel etc directly from the iPad?

Wait 3 hours, turn ir off, and turn it on again.

Thats what i did. She said it takes 3 to 24 hours, only took about 3 for me. Don't need to touch the settings
Ahh fair enough... do you get a fancy account area under "View Account" like you do with o2?
Ahh shame, that means that unlike o2 if I wanna upgrade the tariff I have to speak to my middle-eastern mates again :rolleyes:

Do only o2, orange and vodafone get to have those fancy account areas then? wonder why 3 got left out :confused:
well, with o2 you can go to "View Account" - from there you can log in and upgrade your tariff, cancel your tariff, few other things too... just seems really nice and integrated :)
Hmm, I may change my tariff then. I went with O2, tbh I've never had a problem with O2 with my iPhone. But it's been terrible on the train when I go from manc to birmingham or London.

I have another iPad which is for my dad. I'll be teaching him how to use it and what not mainly for work use as he's always on the go. Vodafone are suppose to have the best coverage? So for him I'm thinking about getting him on Vodafone.
Hi guys just cut down my normal 3 contract sim to use in the iPad ... It has picked up the 3 signal ok .. But there is no 3G symbol at the top and the 3G connection is not working on it ... Any ideas?
does IM+ push messages and leave you log in even if you go to safari?
Yes, i belive it was one of the first, if not the first, to do so.
Its slightly too large to be considered a truely portable device.
3 kinds of rubbish.
I did half my job today with the iPad in one hand, and the other controling one of the servers.
More than portable for its uses imo.
I normally go well over 2gb a month on my iphone with no worries.
For anyone still waiting for their iPad from TNT, since Thursday afternoon we have had massive telephony issues - hundreds and hundreds of calls waiting and the guys in the call centre can't answer them. When they do eventually filter trhough (in huge bursts) the guys can't transfer internally to the correct department and so on and a lot of the phones won't dial out either.


So if you get through to someone who gives you the above spiel they aren't spinning you a line, it really is madness at the moment. I hope it gets sorted soon everyone has just about had enough of it, customers and employees alike!

As for the amount of these things drivers have been swamped with.... bear with 'em, they really are doing all they can!
Ahhh so looks like everyone is going with 3 for their 3G on the iPad......yes?

Ordered a SIM like last week via website and still waiting......
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