The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

guilty crown kind of explains itself in the last few episodes..... well lets put it this way I got the premise of the story if nothing else....
Akame ga Kill - 06


I thought FLCL was awesome :)
Watched it about 3 times now.

In terms of similar - Hrm, tough one.
Samurai Champloo isn't the same but keeps the oddness until about 1/3rd the way through (then falls together / makes sense)

yeah, i've been catching up. it's as odd as i remember. so many visual non- sequiturs! i love how some of the episodes just end abruptly. i'm really new to anime, mostly read western comics and manga, but this kind of thing is totally my jam. will def check out Samurai Champloo, cheers! a recommendation of my own - Perfect Hair Forever. it's not anime, but shares many of the same visual cues. written by the dude who wrote Space Ghost: Coast to Coast (if you like yr bizzarre, alternative comedy) and aired on Adult Swim in the mid 00's. only one series, but funny story -a new episode comes out every seven years!

just downloaded Berserk. saw some screenshots and it looked stunning. vague recollection of possibly watching it with friends when I was baked out of my noggin' many moons ago!
I just bout the Aincrad Manga of SAO and am loving it. First Manga that I have seriously put some effort into reading and I am glad that I am :)

Also started saving up (again) for Japanese lessons, hopefully I will get to actually start them this time :)
Also started saving up (again) for Japanese lessons, hopefully I will get to actually start them this time :)

You can start learning vocab and kanji now for free using, just search for the jlptbootcamp courses, for grammar there's Tae Kim's site and both of which are free though for me I think Imabi goes into too much detail.
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Personally I found TenguGo on Android (free app) quite good for trying to learn hiragana even with my **** poor memory. Try to learn the kana and avoid romaji as it makes things easier in the long run (I've been learning for a couple of years, due to my general inability to learn languages, and have weekly lessons with a Japanese person).
I'd agree about moving away from romaji as quickly as possible, kana's really easy to learn and there's numerous free games around. Also don't be afraid of kanji, it can really help with the meaning in the vast number of homonyms in Japanese.
Bodacious Space Pirates:Abyss of Hyperspace
Just seen this advertised on another site,crunchy i think it was(or maybe ANN)
supposed to be a movie,hope this is true either that or a second series
Anyone know anything?
Movie I believe ... hopefully a follow on rather than a re-telling.


It is new rather than a re-telling, details/spoilers here

Theatrical release was earlier in the year, media release (Japan) apparently in November?
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While i got you here m8 do you know anything about a second series of problem children?
Finished this yesterday and the ending was so open,not cliffhanger but no closure what ever :)
Neil777 and memyselfandi thank you very much for the tips, I will look into those.

When you say "the kana" is that both katakana and hiragana? I am a little confused as to the difference at the moment :)
Yes, basically some text books (etc) have you working with romaji which makes use of normal English characters but the problem is with that is that you mentally make assumptions about pronunciation due to the rules you know for character combinations from English. It's easier to work from the beginning using the Japanese character sets so you don't make those assumptions.

Katakana is used for loan words from other languages (and foreign names) whereas hiragana is used for Japanese words. Most courses have you starting with hiragana and then moving onto katakana before the mountain which is kanji.
Yes that's as dodgy as anything can be.

For US releases I would suggest United Publications and for UK releases Amazon ... there are others but they are the ones I tend to use.
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