The ASUS Rampage V Extreme Thread

Joining this club tomorrow with a 5960X, and 3200 G skill ram. Looking forward to building - apart from draining and rebuilding the loop. Oh well no pain no gain as they say.

Is the latest 802 bios the best to use or earlier bios?


That's going to be a great membership card. :)

802 is fine.
It sure is - excited. Just hope I am lucky this time in the cpu lottery, and hope I get at least a reasonable one. Here's hoping.

Ps will post piccies when it has arrived. ;) ;) :D

Edit - had a delivery today:-


Big box for the memory! :D Does it come with fans?
Just built a 5960X system with Asus extreme v board. I then migrated my windows 8.1 Raid 1 to the new board using Macrium reflect

restore to different hardware - all fine except all my 5960X cores in dev manager have a yellow triangle mark - with the following message:-

A driver (service) for this device has been disabled. An alternative driver may be providing this functionality. (Code 32)
Have so far tried updating Intel chipset/ MEI drivers - but still the problem persists - any ideas how I can solve this driver problem?

Have looked in services msc for any Intel service not running - but can't see one - this is driving me nuts.

Anybody got any ideas on this problem?

Ps just found out that the cpu wont go past default 3.0Ghz even though I have set to 4.oGhz - seems the cpu is not fully recognised?????


Sounds like the drivers for the pervious board are still being recognised in Windows. Have you been in control panel and uninstalled all Intel programs?
Think you may be right - stupid me did not think of that and did a refresh install, but now have to re install all programs etc. Duh.

Thanks for your help thogh - much appreciated


I decided not to mess around with transferring a raid setup from my Black Edition and did a fresh install on mine.
Here is the problem
Seems my no 1 bios is borked - updated to 802, and seemed to be ok, but as I was trying to set up the bios the machine would just shut down.
I have never seen this before. I checked/changed Psu/memtest runs on individual sticks then dual sticks etc, and could not identify the problem.
Bios 2 on 603 bios seems to work ok. Real hassle to swap the board out - as I would have to drain loop etc, etc.

Have you tried to flash 602 into bios 1? If that doesn't work then this:

Have you tried copying bios 2 to bios 1, this may get you up and running again on bios 1, worth a try.

I'd certainly give that a give that a go.
So copy bios 2 to usb stick and then flash bios 1 - is that what you mean?
Alternatively do I chance flashing the working bios to latest 802?

Thanks for your help


Not with the usb stick.

Go back into BIOS 2, so running 603 then:

Tool Menu.
BIOS Flashback
Copy BIOS2 to BIOS 1
You should then have a working BIOS 1 again.
Then flash another bios on top of 603 if you want to.
It appears that bios 1201 has been pulled due to a minor issue involving the ASMedia SATA controller.

Should you flash back:

Wait for the next build to come out and then flash to that. I don't see any major reason to flash back to an earlier build in the interim unless you have to use the ASMedia SATA ports.
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