The Barrett M107 .50 caliber deadly sniper rifle (video inside)

7 Feb 2007
Now... of these fellas can give you that courtesy tap from over 1.5 miles away. It's the next generation in modern warfare weapons designed to "take out" lightly armored vehicles and intimidate those Islamo-fascist's. :cool:

Longbow said:
Hardly, these weapons have been around for decades.

Not with the muzzle velocity and accuracy of this weapon. The recoil has been hugely improved, but yeah sniper rifles date back to when I was a kid.
"This, is the 308, it is the standard round for the AK47".

And this guy was supposed to have served in the special forces?

It's a good show, but the presenter is a bit of a muppet.
Longbow said:
"This, is the 308, it is the standard round for the AK47".

And this guy was supposed to have served in the special forces?

It's a good show, but the presenter is a bit of a muppet.

You are aware that .308 is 7.62mm?

7.62 × 39 mm - AK
7.62 × 51 mm - Winchester

So the calibre is basically the same.
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Brit with SA80 at 4:41 :D
Longbow said:
Except it's basically not.

The .308 is not the same as the 7.62x51 either, there are a few differences.

But certainly 7.62×39 != .308
It depends if you want to get pedantic or not, .308 inches is more or less the same as 7.62mm, and he was just using it to illustrate a point. So we're splitting hairs as to whether he's mentioning .308 as in the winchester round, or the measurement. Either way it's a stupid discussion to be having.
OCdt Stringy said:
Well, anyone who knows anything about firearms will never say the .308 is the round used by the AK47.

trojan698 said:
27,000 ft per second is pretty mental. He looks like he's taking a dump when he says it though. :p
2,700 ft/s :p

They can travel over 3000 ft/s with a greater load.
Longbow said:
Well, anyone who knows anything about firearms will never say the .308 is the round used by the AK47.
You'll probably find that they wanted to make a comparison between what the Barrett fires and what an average insurgent fires in order to say "ooh look we're badass". However, as they were likely somewhere they don't often fire a Kalashnikov all they had to hand was a .308, and being of a similar width they used it for the comparison. Saying 'it's similar to the AK47's ammunition' wouldn't have sounded punchy, and wouldn't have flowed in the context of the programme.

Now of course they could've bent the truth less and said it was the round they use in the 7.62mm GPMG. This would have been quite pertinent as it's a weapon used by coalition forces. However, to the discerning internet user this would have still been a lie as although aesthetically they are more or less identical, it isn't the same as the round the GPMG uses.

So this leaves them with the ultimate truth, that the .308 is used for popular hunting rifles, but this would have sounded boring and not been of much relevance to counter insurgency operations in warm and dusty places.

All in all I would hardly call the presenter a bit of a muppet, because it worked within the context of the programme and he probably didn't even write the script.

[/pointless discussion]
Warpy said:
Not with the muzzle velocity and accuracy of this weapon. The recoil has been hugely improved, but yeah sniper rifles date back to when I was a kid.

The barrett .50 has been around for quite a while, just because it was voted as a top10 invention in 2005 doesnt mean it was created in 2005.
Angus-Higgins said:
Thanks for the video, I need to show my friend this who said that it was impossible for a sniper rifle to rip someone in half. It looks like a great weapon.

Angus Higgins
Your friend is probably right, the claim made in the video it's probably widely exaggerated.

Here are few random images on my hard drive:


Fraggr said:
That thing was the size of his head! :eek:

I was like OMGWTF when he got it out. :/

Sorry this wasnt given the right sexual inuendo is should have been hehe.

Doh beaten.

while the guy says its a .308, the round he's holding is actually a 7.62x39. he just said the wrong name.
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