The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Some highlights from last night. Lots of lols, many tears.

Hax! ;)

I see u switched from AP rounds and zoom to thermal and sabot. Did you notice me and fanatic switched to that in the last week?:D It pwnage and nice for sabot sniper

Still miss my zoom tho for shooting down heli's at 300m range tho :)

I use thermal on all vehicles where I can, even the attack boat. Seeing those white bodies pop up from nowhere when you thought a flag was safe, or even better, seeing the entire enemy infantry push lit up like a Christmas tree is win.

Beware of the hand flare though. On occasion I've come across engineers who actually have a clue, tank quickly surrounded by hand flares, mines and infantry become invisible and bad times ensue.
How's the game holding up? Netcode improved much?

Improved but still papering over the cracks rather than fixed at a fundamental level, doesn't help that a lot of the UK server boxes seem to be over subscribed and struggle at busy times.

If you run around with a shotgun or 900rpm AR/carbine probably won't notice so much.

EDIT: Doesn't help that a lot of servers are no longer kicking at 150ms ping - game still comes apart pretty badly when there is a 200-300+ms latency difference between players.

While not entirely "netcode" one that is winding me up at the moment is C4 and the client side handling - way too many times I throw it, see it in mid air between the target and myself, turn to run away and detonate and the C4 magically appears on a surface beside or infront of me 90-180 degrees away from the angle I threw it.
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YI just love sabot for blowing up heli's - one of the best things about BF4 IMO.

Me to :) I used to get tunnel vison trying to sabot heli's. I once went to sabot a littlebird and a jet flew right in my path between me and heli and caught the sabot. Was so lol. Wish i captured it on video :)

View vids of when i used to shoot helis. Nothing can beat Xinami at towing jets and heli's tho:D

How's the game holding up? Netcode improved much?

Depends on what release you're comparing with. The 30hz tick rate update has been around for a while now and I wouldn't say there have been any huge updates since then.

As part of the summer patch (releasing tomorrow) however DICE will give server providers the ability to test 60/120 tick rate which is really the first step to enabling this on public servers. Once that happens everyone will notice a dramatic change in the overall gameplay. I've played on 120hz servers on CTE and the difference is amazing. It's not going to impact the core engine issues but it certainly improves on the experience.

Now that EA know that 'the netcode' is a key requirement from it's customers I'm assuming that with each new release of the frostbite engine we'll get a better experience.

They're definitely listening to us - it's just going to take time that's all. DICE LA are a small team and they have a huge job to 'fix the game'. In my opinion they have restored some of the faith in the franchise and I would like to see them play a bigger role in the nest release of battlefield.
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Me to :) I used to get tunnel vison trying to sabot heli's. I once went to sabot a littlebird and a jet flew right in my path between me and heli and caught the sabot. Was so lol. Wish i captured it on video :)

View vids of when i used to shoot helis. Nothing can beat Xinami at towing jets and heli's tho:D

That first shot :D Yeh Xin is the true master. All our efforts pale in comparison. Also he's playing again! Great for us, not so good for the other side :D

Wonder what they will break this time around...
In theory nothing - but you never know. You would think with more testing you would get better releases right!
The past 3 patches have fixed loads, and broken loads in turn.

They tested the hell out of the Jungle Map, but as for weapon fixes etc I doubt it.

Colour me surprised if this isn't the case however, is it this patch we get the night maps and the Jungle one?
Wonder what they will break this time around...

Hopefully nothing, but there's bound to be a quirk or too.

If it's going to play like CTE played yesterday, it's going to take time to relearn how to shoot (again). Hopefully that was just a bad server.

I'm hoping they reduce the mortar/UCAV cooldown. It's far too long at the moment.

BTW you've missed some Epic server flattening/hackusations this weekend. Hope you get your new mouse soon.

In theory nothing - but you never know. You would think with more testing you would get better releases right!
I think it's night maps only, the CMP is still unfinished.
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Speaking of broken stuff. Check this out. Killed us (inside the tank) but not the tank itself.

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Speaking of broken stuff. Check this out. Killed us (inside the tank) but not the tank itself.

Had one yesterday in a tank - jumped out to shoot someone who'd got under the gun - 3 shots with no hits, saw the driver had also jumped out so got back in to stop the other enemy player fron stealing the tank - driver realised the danger and jumped back in he then died inside the tank to his own grenade and I died inside the tank to an M2 slam attributed to the driver which the enemy player must have deployed - the tank was undamaged and still at 100hp when I respawned.
I always know when I've been playing with you guys :D

Yeah I managed only 1 loss on Sat and Sunday too!

It was fun playing the Zavod night map with the DICE devs last night, shame it finished so quickly and the server emptied after the live stream stopped.
(Where were you kiwi?)

Stu, you need to get Premium, you're banned from most of the good vanilla servers, and a lot of us have premium and want to play on other maps (and CTE).
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Sounds like I missed a good one. Basically wife told me to stop playing so much so I spent the night on the sofa watching net flix!
I'm very much a subscriber of "happy wife -/- happy life" or as I call it "quiet wife -/- easy life".

Me - "love do you want to watch a film tongiht"
Wife - "maybe I have a few thi...."
Me- "Ok I'll play Battlefield then"

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