The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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As CODified as those CQ map are the one in on the top of the tower is one of my favourite BF3 maps. Used to have some epic Xbow and pistol only games on it.

You have to lower / raise the gate and get a shotgun ribbon in the same round.

Yeah when those maps were first announced etc. I thought oh god, COD maps, metro again, shotgun, explosive spam etc.

But once I got the pack for free and played them, I thought wow these are incredibly fun, imo the design of them was superb, I couldn't get on with most of the bf 3 maps because of the aircraft/ground vehicle rape :(

Ah k! Should be pretty easy to get the DAO then!
Any tips for the support class, might give it a go for a while on locker and metro?

Take the perk that gives you two ammo boxes, drop one at the top and one at the bottom of the main chokepoint from C to B/D in lockers (depending on if your team gets C or not) and rake in the points. Smoke and IRNV can be handy, but a lot of people on those servers have worked out how to use flares properly to counter that now. If you can flank a choke point (on metro or locker) you can backrage quite effectively if you have a bit of cover, normally takes a while for them to realise they are dying from behind, not in front.
Need to find myself a gun I like, after using the F2000 in bf3 for the last few days I just can't seem to get on with any of the guns now, even my trusty Mtar feels poo.
Strange for the wifebot to buy me a game peer pressure from some mates in the pub I suspect. Just one thing I noticed with higher level players is that a lot only carry blank dog tags must pee them off getting knifed while camping I suppose, but this afternoon after playing a really good session with a squad that worked together well and having some intense skirmishes against opposing squads over contested flags really good fun. After the session I went over my gear and noted that all the dog tags I had taken from previous games had disappeared including all the premium ones I had taken.
Tried to play earlier but my ping was off the scale, that and my new keyboard cutting out every few minutes led to a pretty frustrating experience.
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