We are aware of and investigating current TDM sound issues
Lots of those patch notes seem from old patches? E.g DMR buff happened a while ago.
According to the forums so far -
Sound loop crash is back, TDM sound issue is back, Memory leak is back.
From EA/DICE -
What Kiwi said, I had real bad pain in my wrist for a long time, because I had my chair tilted back and was sitting at the lowest possible height. Got myself a new desk, stopped the tilt and put the chair up at a comfy settings.
Pain is much better, still get it but that's due to an old golf injury.
come on guys...theres a reason they are called DICE.....fixing their ****ing game is just like one big ****ing roll of a dice.
Patch Thursday, forget my above message I maybe on later this morning/afternoon.
I shall be on tonight then, and so will Nexus.
Everyone try out the DMR's, they were op before but now they are on some next level of powa!!!
I got 500+ kills about 2 months ago before all the DMR buffing with the SKS...to be honest it was godly powerful then, an absolute beast of a weapon...God knows how powerful it is now. Back then I stopped using it because it was tremendously OP, it actually felt I was cheating using it. With the recent buffs, I can only imagine how many scrubs will be using them now.