Tankace from cG on new patch..
1.MBT LAW needs to be literally aimed at the tank now to hit him,and it doesnt bypass APS anymore. 2.RPG's velocity was nerfed and drop was increased. 3.Slams have much shorter range now tank has to drive like only 1 meter past that to trigger them. 4.Tanks autoheal rate and repair rate of blowtorch is increased,tank now heals 2% of its health every 1 second,the rep tool rate also seems higher then before. 5.Staff shell reload glitch is fixed,with that staff shell's dmg is nerfed,now iz does only 19-20 dmg to a tank.
Other things we noticed.1.Tanks now have a heavier feel into them,they feel more stable.2.The hit indication now correctly shows where your being shot at,and its not like quiet as before.Mini does 59-60 dmg max up on 1 meter radius,rgo does 80 if you toss it like in his face,its splash is bad.3.MRAP and other Humvee like vehicles seem better now.