The big children debate

18 Mar 2008
There are 7 billion people today, in the next few decades it will rise beyond 10 billion.

The only suggestion from this is to enjoy yourself while we still have a more or less civil society.

/Scaremonger level: Maximum :D
30 Oct 2003
Again one would presume you have kids? I would love to say I'd think about you next time im chilling on a beach in egypt being passed drinks by a lovely dark skinned female who'd do anything for a passport, but I probably wont

And why Sir does having children preclude me too from doing just that :D

Though I'd have to get by balls back from the wife who keeps them in old jam jar under the bed.
28 Nov 2004
9th Inner Circle
Does that matter? Why should I care what other people think of my life, all that matters is what I think of my life.

I don't care what anybody other than my own family does with their lives. Each to their own.

I do think owning a Lexus and playing golf isn't comoarible to parenthood. Nice to have but not the same.

Depends on your perspective. A job you enjoy fulfils the human requirement (IMO) of a sense of purpose.

If working for somebody else day in day out provides a sense of purpose then sure. Some people want more than that though (and I'm not talking about just breeding)

I'd rather people were clear about how they feel than simply keep it bottled up, we are all adults after all!

This would solve a lot of problems. However most adults aren't that good about talking, and when the biological clock (male or female) is involved talking often goes out the window. Hence a lot of babies are born in less than ideal circumstances where one parent regrets having said child.
9 May 2004
Leafy outskirts of London
Had a few just clearly not the one ;) maybe you won't budge but it will be interesting if/when you meet the woman you can't be with out but she won't be with you unless kids are on the agenda.

I've also heard the "you'll change your mind if you have one, it's different when they aren't someone else's kids" line a few times, but that's a bit of a gamble to take.

Having a child is the single biggest decision/responsibility we as human beings can have, so it's not something I'd do without being 100% I wanted to. You can't get a refund, and raising a child that you don't actually want isn't fair on anyone.
29 May 2012
I don't think, or rather hope I'm not one of those parents with a superiority issue as you described but that shouldn't mean I can't either talk about my daughter or be proud of her. Perhaps you're simply more sensitive to it for some reason?

My best mate (who's also on there forums) doesn't want kids but gets on well with my daughter and doesn't mind me talking about her, I envy his decision not to have kids, to still live on his own and be in compete control over his life and finances. He's just a few days older than me, but I wouldn't swap places in a million years as I adore my daughter and want to have another child in the coming years.

I also work with a woman who's in her early 40s and has no interest in having kids, she doesn't mind others talking about them but sort of zones out when we do. That's absolutely fine - I'd rather people were clear about how they feel than simply keep it bottled up, we are all adults after all!

Its not the odd conversation here or there that annoys me, its that it appears never ending, I could deal with a 5 min chat about how smelly this weeks nappies are, but after that let go move on to something else like the weather how great it was to get out for an hour, whatever it might be. Its not just that though why do parents insist on trying to make parents of other people?
Woman of Honour
Man of Honour
2 Aug 2004
I also don't want to contribute to the overpopulated planet with a little "miracle". If I did change my mind I would probably adopt. Having a kid is not a right and people that get IVF enrage me.

This is a bit harsh. Not sure why it should enrage you :/ the NHS is here to be used and we are lucky to have it - whatever it is providing.

I hope you are never in a similar position where a part of your body fails to achieve it purpose and you need some help.

BB x
27 Dec 2011
I would love to say I'd think about you next time im chilling on a beach in egypt being passed drinks by a lovely dark skinned female who'd do anything for a passport, but I probably wont :D

I get the impression your anger towards parenthood and the discussions therein are consuming your very being. So I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest you probably would be thinking about the subject, disregarding whether or not you are being handed beverages by attractive females in a hot country.
28 Nov 2004
9th Inner Circle
Again one would presume you have kids?

On a more serious note it is each to their own, I'll be mortgage free by about 45 able to do whatever takes my fancy, I suspect you'll be paying for university fees

Child. Singular.

I do what I want right now, thanks because my lad has left home. See I made the correct choice of raising a child when I was young. Too many people wait until they are older and then don't get to enjoy their later years.

So I have the best of both worlds. As for university fees and such. Maybe but it's only money and spending money on my family makes me happy.
19 Feb 2010
Misery loves company? :p

I jest!

Hahaha... On two occasions lately, friends have tried to set me up. Both of the girls were keen to be with someone "stable" and so settle down and have kids ASAP!

Cue me telling "mates", "just because you're miserable and choking on nappies doesn't mean you should be trying to drag me down with you!" :D
20 May 2007
I don't want children.

A. I don't like them
B. I can't afford one
C. I don't like them
D. Far too many people on this planet anyway
E. I don't like them
F. I don't like them
27 Dec 2011
See I made the correct choice of raising a child when I was young. Too many people wait until they are older and then don't get to enjoy their later years.

I don't have children, but I would suggest there's no "correct" choice. One on the other side of the fence could argue you lost out on your freedom when it meant anything. Others would agree with your point of view.
7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
I don't have children, but I would suggest there's no "correct" choice. One on the other side of the fence could argue you lost out on your freedom when it meant anything. Others would agree with your point of view.

I don't get this "lost your freedom" opinion by people without children. My kids do not hold us back, we enjoy doing stuff that we all would like and enjoy. My freedom has not been lost.
29 May 2012
What is interesting is on here at least

a) there appears to be about a 50/50 split of those that dont and those that do which is unusual
b) those that do for the most part havnt appeared to have gotten angry and wound up about someone daring to state that kids might not be the be all and end all of life.

Im quite surprised and impressed
7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
stuie what you have to remember is that a lot of people just don't want the major change in their lives when they consider it. Yet lots of people who feel the same go on to have children when it happens and are glad that they did.

I was one of these people, scared as hell of having children but when my first came along it was like I always should have had children.

So in essence the poll is pointless, as like anything in life it's easy to say you will react one way when you are directly faced with the situation being discussed :)
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