The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

Got down to the last three in the Rumble; Cena, Ryback and Sheamus. And I was thinking 'Well... I don't actually want any of these people to win it...'
Huge disappointment for me. And a face victory in every match except the pre-show. At least there's one guy with a title I can really cheer for.

Interesting giving the NXT guy the Barrett elimination. Looks like it iwll lead to a storyline, though I'm damned if I know what it is!

As for the main event... winning with a peoples elbow? Seriously? Has that ever actually defeated someone before? and Punk was fresh at the time as well. The Shield interference was somewhat expected given that none of them were in the rumble. A clever way for them to interfere given nobody technically saw them, a good loophole. Saw the restart coming, but then just winning on a fresh Punk... Don't think I'm going to be buying wrestlemania.
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The Rock.. Gotta love the guy, considering he hardly wrestles these days, he can still put on a top draw match

even tho he looks completely gassed after 5 mins in the ring, its a disgrace a part time superstar can just walk back in and demand the biggest prize, a real kick in the teeth to the younger up and coming wrestlers. and a disgrace that a title reign of over a year long was ended with a very weak elbow drop
Miz getting hit with that chair last night looked like it would have hurt, Brock seems to get far to carried away and maybe becomes a little bit dangerous?
Somebody gon' get their ass kicked....

Somebody gon' get their wig split!

cena vs rock 2

once in a life time they said, rock better win

Cena Vs Rock. Once in a while.

even tho he looks completely gassed after 5 mins in the ring, its a disgrace a part time superstar can just walk back in and demand the biggest prize, a real kick in the teeth to the younger up and coming wrestlers. and a disgrace that a title reign of over a year long was ended with a very weak elbow drop

Thing is, WWE are booking to make money. Smarks don't make them much money, and many of them will probably end up streaming the PPVs anyway. Last year, Rock Vs Cena drew amazingly well, and despite what we want, it is going to do just as well this year, if not better due to the title also being on the line. Personally, I'd have rather seen Punk retain the title to at least Wrestlemania, but that's not what happens.
RE: The Miz/Brock stuff. The Miz, alongside Ziggler, is one of the best guys at selling a beatdown in WWE and has been for a good long while. Hell, he even made Cena look strong when he had that feud with him nearly two years ago.

I'd like to see a short feud between the two. He'd make Brock look even more like a legitimate threat.
The miz also makes a terrible baby face. Really terrible.

Also, there are rumours that Undertaker might not make Wrestlemania this year.
Keep meaning to post here so here we go

Has el Generico been on nxt yet?

not as far as im aware but hes been spotted at a live event wearing his mask.

Raw this past week:

Opening promo with Punk/Heyman was superb as you would expect from them these days.

Jericho v Bryan was great. Infact Team Hell No is one of my favorite things in wresting these days.

The Cena/Sheamus/Ryback stuff was ok. I'm a big fan of Sheamus and Cena when hes fired up so im looking forward to the match this weekend Ryback just needs a lot of work to be sharing ring time with these guys.

Swaggers stuff is interesting. He has talent but his lisp really holds him back be interesting to see where this goes. Was suprisingly risque for a PG show though.

The Shield speaking was excellent. A fan of Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins before their WWE tenure. Ambrose is future world title heel material easily. Shame him and Punk both fare better as Heels as a verbal war between them would be excellent.

Couldnt care less about the Rock. Understand why hes there but feel hes tired and done at this point. I did enjoy Punk getting the upper hand but it will all mean nothing come Sunday night.
Not a bad ppv last night (certainly better than the Rumble) albeit parts were predictable such as when Swagger cut his promo about immigrants crossing the border before the chamber match it became clear that he'd end up winning so he could move into an angle with the Latin Champion Del Rio, The Shield winning clean was a nice surprise though. Best match of the night was the chamber match with Punk v Rock being only marginally better than the match they had at the Rumble, Wrestlemania looks like it's going to be the most predictable and boring Wrestlemania in years :o

EDIT: My predicted Mania card and results based mainly on what we know so far

Orton, Sheamus & Rybotch v The Shield - Good guys win
Jericho v Ziggler - Jericho wins
Taker v CM Punk - Taker wins
Triple H v Lesnar - Triple H wins
Del Rio v Swagger - Del Rio wins (Ziggler then cashes in)
Rock v Cena - Cena wins
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I'm happy with The Shields first loss coming at mania. I expected it last night but was hoping against it and for me it was MotN easily. Fast forwarded through del rio/show, Divas and Zigger/Kingston (really like Ziggler but can't be bothered with Kingston at all). Punk v Rock was good and still kept Punk strong going into mania. Not sure it's going to be a great mania for him though since if Taker isn't coming back there's not much for him. Chamber match was good. Predicted swagger since it made no sense to bring him back with a new gimmick and have him lose. Caesaro is also great but just can't see miz as a face.

Agree it's going to be predictable and boring this year however I've nev been a big mania fan since I feel the show tends to be bigger than the matches and they feel the need to play it safe with this year looking like the safest of all.
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Has el Generico been on nxt yet?



Not televised yet though, just a house show. And accompanying Brodus Clay, which is worrying.

That said, he was still Generico, which is a very good thing. If only they can stump up the money for some bouncing souls, I promise to watch every episode of raw/smackdown when he gets signed up.
So Cena v Punk on Raw to decide who fights the Rock @ Wrestlemania.

I hope there is some way it can end in a no contest and we have a 3 way at the big one. I'm not inspired by either Cena v Rock or Punk v Rock for a 3rd ppv in a row.
It's almost like the wwe still dont know if Taker is going to wrestle at Mania or not so are dragging out confirming the main event for as long as possible :o
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