Pretty much agree on the whole.
Why was the Rock even there? What was the point?, utter waste of time and didn't even get to hear the Rock let loose and be more funny.
Undeertaker looking completely gassed and "struggling" to Shame about 10mins into the match to sell it, really?
The non street fight that had, what, a few kendo stick hits? Lmao, really, so not a street fight, and one low blow illegal move and that's a street fight now?
Honestly, best part for me was seeing Cena doing what he could to be in the ring, no matter what you think that guy is all in and looked in no way close enough shape to really be in the ring.
HHH looked like he lost so much size, seems to me like he tried to cut up to lean out for the match but messed up, the entire match was woeful, HHH is carrying to many bad injuries etc now. Reigns is so messed up now as a character I wouldn't know what to do with him, he would be useless as a heel, as he has no mic skills, and no one wants him as a pushed babyface.
So glad the women diva thing is dropped, it was cringe, and to be honest, they have been putting in some better shows that a lot of the main eventless, the had a solid three way match with no gimmicks.
Glad Ryder got the IC belt, he deserves it, and after being screwed over when his character was going over so well years ago it about time he had his chance for a bit of a push.
Just read, in true WWE fashion, he lost it to the Miz, Jesus, they really don't have a clue now do they.
Things are only going to get worse now.
Glad the diva title was dropped for a straight up womens own championship, its taken to long, and honestly, some of the matches have straight up been much better than some main events, they had a solid three way match without any gimmicks,