*** The Car Cleaning Thread ***

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I take it people just don't go to Halfords and pay top dollar? What online shops do people use? Seeing that I need a job lot, may as well shop around. A non-rainy day isn't scheduled for at least a couple of days!

There are various links in this thread to some good online shops to get some good products. I think the difference between Halfords and online retailers, they stock a lot of products which are concentrated and therefore can be diluted to the desire amount. This in my personal preference makes a product last much longer.

Also just a bit of a rant, washing the car out in front of your own house, people should do all the necessary when they can, wash, polish and wax. If people spend devote a bit more time then a 'top up' wash really isn't necessary (depending on the weather / journey of the car). I mean when you wash the alloys , was the car, you might as well do a good job to polish and wax it because you've got all the tools out so make the best use out of it. No point in washing the car one day, claying it and stopping there. Do the waxing after because the body work will be near spotless and might as well give it the full treatment.
So the videos, recommend a polish before you wash. So is my understanding correct:
1) 2 buckets - check already have
2) Soft mitten - wool mitten is preferred. Need to get
3) Car shampoo - need to get
4) Bug cleaner spray thing - need to get
4a) Clay - need to get but only need to do annually (glad someone pointed that out!)
5) Polish - need to get
6) Wax - need to get
7) Alloy wheels cleaning brush - need to get
8) Alloy wheels cleaner spray - need to get
9) Several micro fibre cloths -need to get

So, yah, armed with me two buckets I think I'm set - not!

I take it people just don't go to Halfords and pay top dollar? What online shops do people use? Seeing that I need a job lot, may as well shop around. A non-rainy day isn't scheduled for at least a couple of days!
You forgot clay lubricant spray (although some people just use water), glass cleaner and foam applicator pads for the wax :p I usually buy my stuff from Shinearama.
Argh, I was just about to go give my car its first proper clean in 3 months, then thought I'd better check if the hosepipe ban is definitely lifted. Turns out it's not. :(
Basics are: wash (Clay annually) - polish - wax

Deep down though, its a little more complicated.

Have a watch on this


Part 2


Man, I need to move out to Cali... (checks out American immigration info... oh..). Serious note though, couldnt sleep last night and the missus was away, so spent until 5 am reading through threads on the detailing forum. Got a bit of spending to do now to acquire the kit me thinks :)
Just spent the last 6 hours clay/polish/wax

long version

Wash with shampoo
dry with micro fibre
clay with detailer
Then pick up any scuff marks and polish those with some dedicated stuff for scuff removal
Apply AG Extra Gloss Protection (1st layer of protection)
Apply 3G paste wax (2nd)
Apply Ag Aqua wax (3rd)
Wash wheels with
Wash tires
Apply alloy sealant
Apply Tire dressing
Clean inside of car with Meguiar interior detailer

Look at those droplets !

Note to self, next time apply Aqua wax before the 3G stuff, makes life easier.
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If you read Detailingworld anything will seem necessary. I spent an hour Dodo Juice'ing my car yesterday and the beading looks just like that
I get beading like that off of mine just using SRP and EGP.

I doubt it lasts quite as long as a decent proper wax but three entirely different sealant/wax products just seems a bit OTT to me.

Wouldn't be surprised if the ones applied later were half removing the first ones anyway.
Raymond why have you used three different waxes, one straight after the other? Did you even wait 6-12 hours for one wax to cure before using another? Not that laying up wax offers much benefit and you'd probably get a better finish just using one product properly. Also I hope you didn't use car polish and wax on your windscreen, because your wipers won't work very well...


I got a bottle of this for £2 in ASDA, use tissue/cloth to apply and then buff off with a Microfibre - I use the same on my windscreen and on the motorway the water just runs up the screen and I can even get away with using the wipers in some conditions.
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