Ok bought this book a couple of years ago and only just got around to reading it....
What on earth is all the fuss about? It's incredibly poorly writtern with wooden one- dimensional characters... Every chapter seems to try and end on a cliff hanger and after 106 chapters it gets rather tiresome. The plot has more holes than a swiss cheese- The French police giving orders to the British police??!
It seems to me it's clearly aimed at those who want to sit on the train and make people think "ooh look at me I'm reading a book about art and religion" Dan Brown has done a good job of trying to make people feel clever when reading this book; dividing it into many short chapters, feeding his audience some art and religeous history in bite- sized chunks, and writing it in a way that makes the reader think they are in on some big secret about the church.
Utter tosh. And people say the film is 'not as good' as the book- it must be the worst film since Battlefield Earth.
What on earth is all the fuss about? It's incredibly poorly writtern with wooden one- dimensional characters... Every chapter seems to try and end on a cliff hanger and after 106 chapters it gets rather tiresome. The plot has more holes than a swiss cheese- The French police giving orders to the British police??!
It seems to me it's clearly aimed at those who want to sit on the train and make people think "ooh look at me I'm reading a book about art and religion" Dan Brown has done a good job of trying to make people feel clever when reading this book; dividing it into many short chapters, feeding his audience some art and religeous history in bite- sized chunks, and writing it in a way that makes the reader think they are in on some big secret about the church.
Utter tosh. And people say the film is 'not as good' as the book- it must be the worst film since Battlefield Earth.