The day has come....MPB...fear it

31 Dec 2005

if that isnt enough to scare the living daylights outta all you men i dunno what is.

Anyway ive just started noticing hair thinning somewhat. Its noticeable if you look real close on the top of my head (beginning of the end...small bald area)

Anyway what serious :D treatments can you guys recommend. Anything which slows it down or stops further deterioration would be cool.

Its probably unrealistic to stop it altogether but slowing it down i need ideas people. Not interested in things like Propecia drug treatments because of the possible side effects (think man boobs)

thank you for your services to the cause :)
oh and the naysayers who say accept it and shave the head completely...women dont mind etc.

Yeah they do.... my last girlfriends exbf was bald and i guess she missed the hair because she had a habit of tugging on my hair (on my head) during rumpy pumpy. Come to think of it..she was a bit obsessed about it.
It's actually proven that the chemical dihydroxymustardiene isopropanol found in mustard is a known hair follicle stimulant. I should know, I do biochemistry. :)
ChemicalKicks said:
Guy where I worked before borrowed £5k to get hair transplanted from his glass take off the g and the l from glass onto his head and now he looks horrible!!!!!
I can see why he wanted more hair on his head, but hair off his arse :confused:

Mephisto said:
My Dad is 50 and still has a full head of hair, so hopefully I'll be ok :D

Hate to disappoint you but male pattern baldness is passed on via the mothers side, how about that for revenge for the pain of giving birth.

//edit oh and shave it off is the obvious answer, obvious because it makes the most sense and tends to look the least stupid unless you really want a 'Charlton'. :p
how random said:
I can see why he wanted more hair on his head, but hair off his arse :confused:


AFAIK, hair is usually transplanted from the part of the head where hair doesn't stop growing (unless you've got full blown alopecia like Mat Lucas) such as the sides and the back. So whichever Doctor decided to take hairs out of his bum must have been having a **** take.
well its not bad enough for me to shave it yet, thankfully. I guess i could not bother with haircuts so it gets long enough to make a nice ponytail which could cover any bald patches :D
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