The demise of classic deathmatch MP

Never liked Domination tbh.
Allways found it annoying to capture a point, goto the other end of the map to capture the other and just as you do the one you left behind gets nabbed. :mad:
Reppyboyo said:
Never liked Domination tbh.
Allways found it annoying to capture a point, goto the other end of the map to capture the other and just as you do the one you left behind gets nabbed. :mad:

Just leave a pair of bots to defend one (defend this location command), then have a third bot cover you to get the second point. Only need 2\3 to win.

UT is all about teamwork.

Obviously with humans its slightly different, but I'm sure anyone with an ounce of sense wont try to take a point alone.
Ive kept going with Q4 MP - didnt look good at the start compared to Q3A, but it seems once there are a couple of decent mods with a good community (probably x-battle and RA4 atm, wish osp, cpma and threewave join the fray) I think it will steadily improve...

Im finding myself playing more and more Q4 MP than I thought I would when I first installed it - just hope id sort out the patches...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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