The Division. Are we interested?

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I really like the sound of the new incursion...Cleaners are my favourite bad-guy faction and I'm guessing that we may have to clear a city block in Hells Kitchen including multiple buildings, finally reaching the boss and the weapon. Looking forward to that.

I've mixed feelings about more new most I already have multiple pieces of gearsets and spend a lot of time working out how to best use them all. It seems that recently I have spent more time working on gear than playing!

Without a companion app that we can access remotely, more storage space, the ability to hot-key loadouts, proper inventory tabs, the ability to "lock" an item to avoid accidental deletion, the ability to test various mods on builds and compare modded vs unmoddded weapons (without stripping the weapon and going through the process again) - to name a few - adding more gearsets is just adding to the micromanagement burden and taking away from the short time I already have to play. Don't get me wrong - I like the management aspect of the game (I'm a long time War in the Pacific player so micromanagement doesn't faze me) but we need the proper tools to be able to do it efficiently and effectively. Right now the inventory management UI is a jumbled mess. Adding to that burden may be dimishing returns.

Struggled earlier with the last of the Daily HVT missions. I was combining the HVT's with mat farming and couldn't beat the last one. LMB grenadiers (at least four in the first wave alone) with multiple grenade launchers just wiped me out before I could land any shots, even with 2 piece Final Measure (only FM pieces I have). I tried in multiple locations but the mission never spawned in a good spot for me. Looked for any OC UK guys to help but no-one was on-line! (early afternoon UK time).

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Maybe stating the obvious but for those running predators make sure you use the shrapnel ability to apply extra bleed to those within a 10m radius. Since most people run close together in the DZ it's very effective. :D
Yeah really gonna pick two Final Measure pieces for which I can maximize the Exo DMG Res for the new incursion. Have a complete set so sorted :D

Think I'll try vigarous with 4pc predators and try and get 300/380/30. I'll just stack edr from mods and the major attributes on gearsets.


229 weapons?
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Maybe stating the obvious but for those running predators make sure you use the shrapnel ability to apply extra bleed to those within a 10m radius. Since most people run close together in the DZ it's very effective. :D

I read shrapnel doesn't work with Predators so I ran a 4 set Predator with shrapnel for a week - all daily missions and a HM CS. Didn't see shrapnel proc once in that time, maybe I was unlucky. Would be a great addition to the set if it did work.

Edit - did some research and it is not working, but being worked on by the Ubi development team:

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Think I'll try vigarous with 4pc predators and try and get 300/380/30. I'll just stack edr from mods and the major attributes on gearsets.


229 weapons?

That guy's got a moth talent icon, likely from a new gear set judging by his backpack. Moth-ball Effect talent :)

OMG these players are so bad ha ha :) Anyone knows what the two weapons are on the guy and the sniper on Meghan (who's also got a different backpack as does Mio).

229 weapons, oh dear another disappointment in my book; we need fewer gear/weapon level items, not more. We've all spent tons of money on blueprints only to have them rendered useless shortly after. On one hand I'm excited, because, new things, but on the other hand, see above. I've got the feeling I should've waited with purchasing this game until it's all patched out.

I know I've been moaning quite a bit about the game today; it's because they keep changing the rules in the middle of the game :/ I'll keep my mouth shut after this one, promise :)

Hoping to see more gameplay vids and I'm confident we will!
Definitely new SMG and a new Assault Rifle on the character (looks like a sniper but has an assault rifle reticle). SMG might be a G36, although it should then be an assault rifle (although the AUG is an assault rifle but classed as an SMG in the game). Low ROF for an SMG, hitting for about 9k damage on regular shots - and he needs to be carrying more ammo.

Couldn't tell what Megan had, looks assault rifle but has a high ROF and a sound I haven't heard before.

Other things I found interesting in the clip were the Directives - a new form of "currency" by the looks of it - they were awarded some at the end, and Underground XP - 650 earned for that mission. I wonder what that will be used for? Another level? So you will have a regular level, a DZ level and an Underground level.

Not a lot of change to the game play mechanics by the looks of it.

Hmm, interesting. Definitely new gear sets being used there, talent seemed to get activated on headshots for that guy. least it is only the weapons going up in GS and not gear at the moment
It a little quite at the moment but that probably due to the football. Most nights OCUK community have pne or two squads and on a busy night 3. Add me if you want my ingame name is Prattler. I'm on most night and you will find me either going rogue or going after rogues.

Im itching to get back on but work is, as usual, getting in the way... I dont get home until well after 8pm then up again for 6am so not much time, if any, to game :(

Once I've got my rebuilding sorted I must join you a few times as I'll be ready for rogues.

You sure you're ready to possibly lose XP/DZ Keys/DZ Funds? :p
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amazing! Where did you find these?

Ballistic shield talents? wow, never thought I would see a gear set with that

2-Piece Bonus: +100% Pulse critical hit damage
3-Piece Bonus: +100% Blind/Deaf Resistance
4-Piece Bonus: Killing a target creates a flashbang effect at that position.
Source: Right about 10 seconds into the video
EDIT: New Gear score items confirmed as well (and look at that stash size in the bottom left)
2-Piece Bonus: +3 Incendiary Bullets Capacity
3-Piece Bonus: +100% Reload Speed
4-Piece Bonus: Killing a burning target grants incendiary bullets for 10 seconds
2-Piece Bonus: +300% Ballistic Shield Health
3-Piece Bonus: +100% Ballistic Shield damage resilience
4-Piece Bonus: Allows use of an equipped SMG while Ballistic Shield is deployed
Source: Around 3:55

ripped from reddit , all numbers are subject to change :( BUT FrontLine is not part of 1.3. It was included in the build, but won´t be deployed with 1.3. :( :(

LOOK at this tho bonus on the shotgun? :)
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Hmm, interesting. Definitely new gear sets being used there, talent seemed to get activated on headshots for that guy. least it is only the weapons going up in GS and not gear at the moment

Watched it again and it's not the guy activating the moth skill because he's not doing anything different there from earlier. It's one of the other players.

They didn't show gear set levels so who knows? I just bought the M44 blueprint, oops. Will not roll another single weapon until the patch to save mats rather than waste them on 204s now. Allows me to save up some more which is good.

You sure you're ready to possibly lose XP/DZ Keys/DZ Funds? :p

Like Chanjy implied, you guys usually come out on top. It's why I've been steering my weapon rolls towards PvP, getting ready to rumble :)

@ Mark: thanks for the links man! G36, hmm love it! SVD, interesting sniper rifle!
Gs268 on a few of those pieces so looks like th Gs is going up everywhere. Awesome :)

Will need to get grinding for money and dz funds again. I just hope they give a new dz bracket.

Had a good few hours online this morning with randoms which was by accident at first.

Started Cs on hm as I thought but it was cm. Decided to run it anyway and gave instructions throughout, cleared the second part second attempt which was good.

Then I was feeling brave so started cm fl with them..did it first time using the stairs method on the left. :)

Got the best m44 I have ever had out of it though so cant complain really.

Just before that though, I was in the DZ with two ransoms I found via matchmaking. I went down being an idiot in the sports store and they stole my stuff.....respawned, found them, left the group and murderer them both.

About 5 minutes later they found me at an extraction and invited me back to their group haha!!
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I had quite possibly the worst time ever in the DZ last night. Aside from being ganked by rogues several times and losing two gear set items (albeit junk ones), I was also stopped by entering a safe house and a checkpoint by a group that kept on shooting me once and putting me into "cannot enter while in combat" mode. I logged out after that.

Would any of you seasoned DZ players be interested in grouping this evening, with the intention of farming 240 gear and killing rogues? I'm a comptent pve player with a solid build, but I'm finding it increasingly difficult (annoying) to face off against groups with nothing better to do than pick on the solo player. Additionally, Im getting a bit lonely:D Only issue is my mic seems to hate the game and wont work. I have been told I'm a good listener though, and I also have fast fingers so I could always type.
I had quite possibly the worst time ever in the DZ last night. Aside from being ganked by rogues several times and losing two gear set items (albeit junk ones), I was also stopped by entering a safe house and a checkpoint by a group that kept on shooting me once and putting me into "cannot enter while in combat" mode. I logged out after that.

Would any of you seasoned DZ players be interested in grouping this evening, with the intention of farming 240 gear and killing rogues? I'm a comptent pve player with a solid build, but I'm finding it increasingly difficult (annoying) to face off against groups with nothing better to do than pick on the solo player. Additionally, Im getting a bit lonely:D Only issue is my mic seems to hate the game and wont work. I have been told I'm a good listener though, and I also have fast fingers so I could always type.

For sure :) Add me

I just had a thought on my walk to work, and I am going to go back to my pre 1.2 strategy which is alternating days between selling all extractions and deconstructing all extractions (unless they are good items)

This means I am going to be running DZ every night until the patch with a few incursion and mission runs in between for fun.

Anyone going to be about around 6/6:30 for DZ farming?
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