The Division. Are we interested?

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Yeah true lol! As long as we have a 3 man group ready to run it consistently, we can swap and change the 4th person as we go.

Or tbh, even if we had two people ready to run whenever.

Basically, you lose the money, but when you go back, it doesn't cost anymore to roll again. Quite good.

Yep :)

CM CS is quite fun as its short and a good way to make money. Also the weapon drops are always appreciated.

yes,for some reason i cant do more than 2 FC,feeling like after work after,as its very boring,CS is fast and i like it
Yeah definitely cheaper! Do it this way as well and you'll be able to get what you want most of the time.

Yeah I have step out for a bit myself as well. Thanks again man! Will be calculating for a bit more and will let you know via a Uplay PM (?) should I need your help. It would require you to be in-game though, if that's no problem?

No worries at all. Just pop me a message on Uplay and I'll pop on. Might even be on properly soon but need to finish some coding ready to run first :)
I'd be up for CM once I get my build sorted. Which is really dependent on how much the random drops hate me. Which seems to be a lot at the moment.
Had a good blast last night with GhostWKD in DZ, didnt get much in the way of ugprades got some DZ ranks though and had a lot of fun.

I need to run CS / FL both on HM and CM if people need to run them tonight? my gear is still terribad, i think i have far too much firearms so i will start rerolling stuff, but im down to like 60k cash so i need to cash farm before i can reroll lol, in a bit of a catch 22 it seems...

Anyhow i will be on from 7pm uk tonight if anyone fancies running some Incursions for gear sets. I personally am after the one that boosts AR dmg and gives the bleed dot
Need a wee bit of fast advice here lads. I can either:

1. Recalibrate the highlighted into one of the displayed options
2. Recalibrate more than the 555 armor on it (remember I'll be 400 short to meet the 75% cap; however I might be able to lessen the gap by 100 by adding more armor onto the holster)

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Need a wee bit of fast advice here lads. I can either:

1. Recalibrate the highlighted into one of the displayed options
2. Recalibrate more than the 555 armor on it (remember I'll be 400 short to meet the 75% cap; however I might be able to lessen the gap by 100 by adding more armor onto the holster)


Very nice harness, I think personally I would keep things as they are and try to roll the armour into something higher if that's what you need as the current stats on it are very nice.
Still looking to bust my CS CM cherry, if any groups are running it later :D

My god lol!

Right, we need a list of people to run through it lol!

I am up for staying as the tanktician and fuse runner anyway as well as bomb.

Need a wee bit of fast advice here lads. I can either:

1. Recalibrate the highlighted into one of the displayed options
2. Recalibrate more than the 555 armor on it (remember I'll be 400 short to meet the 75% cap; however I might be able to lessen the gap by 100 by adding more armor onto the holster)


Its hard to say without seeing what else it will go with. If you cant get extra armour elsewhere, I would say armour, if you can get armour elsewhere then roll something else on that vest
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Very nice harness, I think personally I would keep things as they are and try to roll the armour into something higher if that's what you need as the current stats on it are very nice.

My god lol!

Right, we need a list of people to run through it lol!

I am up for staying as the tanktician and fuse runner anyway as well as bomb.

Its hard to say without seeing what else it will go with. If you cant get extra armour elsewhere, I would say armour, if you can get armour elsewhere then roll something else on that vest

Thanks lads (and Momo via Uplay)! I do need the higher armor and the same for the holster, putting me just below the 75% cap. The vest will only serve me until I've got a good (!!) Sentry's 240 vest so I can do 3/3 again. Until then it's 4 Striker's & 2 Sentry's. Missing out on 3rd Sentry's bonus (+20% DMG to Elites) lowers the DPS substantially but the DPS isn't a fair or accurate number anyway.

The pieces as is, meaning nothing recalibrated (except the Knee Pads) and no mods. Here you can see how Firearms and Stamina are divided in each piece. Maybe I need to switch one, but I don't think so. For mods I can go with Stamina (+ Skill Power), Firearms (+ Skill Power) (Electronics mod is pointless at this point). Now I have to get Toughness and DPS up. The latter will go up via a Sentry's vest with it's 3rd bonus.


Tonight; DPS dude for CS CM reporting in for loads of rounds, Sir!
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Here's my current setup.


I'm guessing to increase toughness I need to re-roll pieces from firepower to stam rather than rolling them to armor. Although everything I'm using more or less has already been rolled as needed the armor (this is all my best armor gear, only just scrapes 75% mit)

Edit: answered my own q, if I give up 40k firearms can move it into stam (to 310k) with nomad knee pads but lose the 30% headshot set bonus to get it :( (ignoring the HS bonus firearms would only drop 10k)
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Is there any non video guides to what to recalibrate? i tend to forget whats what very quickly so prefer a website with written instructions to follow :)

If not has anyone any advice? like hit 75% armour first and reroll armour on xxx pieces to achieve this, then focus on xxx stat etc?

Bascially i would like to know what i should be aiming for Statswise

i want to run Predators Mark set with an AR and prob an SMG backup, should i just focus on getting the 4 set, do i need a 2 set to go with it? if not what pieces should i use instead etc? i know a lot of this is subjective but a rough idea would help no end.
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