Is there any non video guides to what to recalibrate? i tend to forget whats what very quickly so prefer a website with written instructions to follow
If not has anyone any advice? like hit 75% armour first and reroll armour on xxx pieces to achieve this, then focus on xxx stat etc?
Bascially i would like to know what i should be aiming for Statswise
i want to run Predators Mark set with an AR and prob an SMG backup, should i just focus on getting the 4 set, do i need a 2 set to go with it? if not what pieces should i use instead etc? i know a lot of this is subjective but a rough idea would help no end.
It depends what kind of build you are looking for really. Tank, support etc. Whichever you go for I would advise hitting the 75% cap first. I would also look at increasing the following stats as best you can -
Crit damage - 100+
Crit chance - Not sure how 1.3 is going to affect this, but mine is at the 60% cap presently
Exotic resistance - This really comes down to your play style. If you are going up against cleaners, a high resist is advisable
Another good one I find (can't quite remember the name of the exact stat) is self heal efficiency. This is very useful if going solo, and can be rolled as an additional stat on level 32 stamina gear mods.
Ammo capacity can also be usefull especially if using a high rpm smg. Anything that gives you over 1000+ rounds is great.
Lastly, make sure to get a high capacity mag blueprint. If you manage to hit 97%+ mag capacity and rate of fire, you are onto a winner when it comes to increasing your DPS.
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