Scaremongering my friend.
Same was said back in 2008-2009, the most severe downturn hit the WORLD ever. We were down -1% on 2008 and -5.2% on 2009. Since 2010 we are up.
Everyone forgot that, and they are talking about "disaster, DOOM we going to lose 1.4%-4.5% until we recover". BS.
We have ONE OFF opportunity until the end of times, to get OUT of the EU.
There is going to be no future referendum, and we know that the EU goes for federalization as soon as the end of the year. And DC abolished our right to veto the federalization in February, in favour to get nothing, just smoke and mirrors (of very bad quality also).
Yes WE gave up our right to veto the federalization of the EU. So the unelected will continue governing this country, of which imposed 59% of the legislation on this country the last 8 years.
And I do not pull the numbers of facts off a hat. Paxman found so, on a documentary while looking the national archives.
Also nothing stops the economy to shrink. The world economy is in tatters at the moment, and we are going to see another recession soon affecting the whole world.
Closing because we have short memories. When Alistair Darling went to bail out the banks, with the sensible method he did, the EU commission was complaining. But so be it. We did it.
Greece, who came to the same situation as us, couldn't bail out banks as we did. The Tax payers paid for the bank debts, while the banks still belong to private owners (mostly German banks), and the Greek tax payer didn't obtain even 1% of the shares nor any guarantees that will EVER get the money back from the banks. While we in UK almost nationalised the banks, and we sell them now, making profit on top.
That is how the EU works my friend. To the interest of the core elite.