Look at the size of Texas
Can we not just get along in this tiny island? You don't see people in North Texas wanting to have their own state. I find it mind boggling that people use distance from Westminster as a reason for independence.
I also think it's about trust. Many people simply don't trust that Westminster has their best interest at heart (or any interest at all in their region). When you look at how little attention some regions get, you can't help but want for more local powers.
I think the feeling is that local authorities will be more interested in fixing local problems.
[edit: I hate to keep banging on about Cornwall, but it's where I live. So another example. Our infrastructure is really falling apart. Our roads are getting worse, and many now remain in poor condition for years as there is no money to fix them. The county council's budget has just been slashed by no less than 30%. We have been denied funding for many road improvement projects.
Meanwhile, Westminster gives 20 (30?) billion to a pointless HS2 line that will only benefit people travelling from Manchester into London. And the govt still takes more in taxes to this area than it spends on us.
Why would you not want more devolved powers if you lived here? The central govt have shown they don't care a hoot about Cornwall. Except when it floods, because it's a great photo op then.]
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