The Holiday

18 Oct 2002
Cambridge, UK

Went to see this film tonight and just loved it, very funny and some great acting from all those in involved, some very "tear yerking" moments as well and there were a few people blubbing in the showing I went to.

Got to admit to having "moist" eyes on a couple of occasions.

If you want a good honest "feel good" film then this is it, would also make a great "first date" movie ;)

HEADRAT Rating = 8.5/10 :)
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"tear yerking" moments

Are you a foreigner? :p

Was going to see this on Wednesday (Orange Weds!) but I'm off to France so I'll see if I can see it over in frogland. Looks like a good film from what I've heard :)
Good film. I remember looking at my watch for the first time and was shocked to see it was 1h40 into the movie.

Acting is generally good, andJude Law's kids seemed especially natural.

I was quite suprised to see how 'low' this film scored on IMBD, compared to some other vastly inferior chick flicks with higher ratings.
I thought it was pretty awful tbh. The only good bit was when that woman found out that Jude Law had kids and he did Mr Napkin Head HAHAHAHAHA! That was immense. Otherwise I was thoroughly disappointed.
First date movie? Naaah. Nothing to talk about afterwards other than ":/" :o
makeshiftwings said:
I thought it was pretty awful tbh. The only good bit was when that woman found out that Jude Law had kids and he did Mr Napkin Head HAHAHAHAHA! That was immense. Otherwise I was thoroughly disappointed.
First date movie? Naaah. Nothing to talk about afterwards other than ":/" :o

Hmm, I'm more with you. I didn't think the acting was good at all, and there were so many continuity errors in my opinion!! The best actor in there was Kate Winslet, and I found the touching sub-plot about her and Arthur a lot more interesting and heart felt than the main movie. And I think the film would have worked better as more of a drama than a romantic comedy, as it just wasn't funny enough for me.

Jack Black is so not suited to romantic comedies!! He just looked creepy when he was being sweet :-/

How is it that Jude Law went out of the house to take a phone call but came in looking pristine when it was snowing outside?

If the chauffeur couldn't drive up the lane to drop Cameron Diaz off when she first arrived, how is it that he managed to drive up AND turn around (which he said he couldn't) to pick her up when she was leaving?

I didn't realise drink driving was okay in Hollywood- Cameron Diaz somehow not realising that the brake pedal is in the same place in cars all over the world and then downing a whole bottle of wine in the shop in the village- I assume she drove home. And also Jack Black after the Hannukah party, got straight into his car. Hmm...

The whole story about Jasper and how he turned up in LA despite still being engaged, was ridiculous.

And when Jude Law first turned up on Ms Diaz's door, and what happened with them then, that was just :-/

Maybe I'm missing the whole point of the film, which was to just sit back and go 'Oh no!' and 'Awww :(' and then 'Awww :)' at appropriate parts.

I thought it was disappointing, got better towards the end, after it transpired that Jude Law had kids etc but yes, Mr Napkin Head was supreme.
Doohickey said:
Maybe I'm missing the whole point of the film, which was to just sit back and go 'Oh no!' and 'Awww :(' and then 'Awww :)' at appropriate parts.

I think the "aim" of the film was to entertain (like most films), Jack Black was a little creepy though ;)

It's not the greatest "motion picture event" ever but I really enjoyed it, maybe I'm too easily pleased!

Doohickey said:
How is it that Jude Law went out of the house to take a phone call but came in looking pristine when it was snowing outside?

Maybe it melted, I actually don't remember it snowing when he was talking the call.

Doohickey said:
then downing a whole bottle of wine
How do you know it wasn't non-alcoholic <if you're going to be picky>

Doohickey said:
Cameron Diaz somehow not realising that the brake pedal is in the same place in cars all over the world
Most yanks drive auto's so maybe thats why she was struggling with the car.

Doohickey said:
I didn't realise drink driving was okay in Hollywood

Well I'm sure it's not OK but I'm sure it happens!

It's not going to win any Oscars but if you go along just wanting to be "entertained" then I don't think it as bad as your making out ;)
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