Not often I have much negative to say about the intermerweb but it has definately mucked up this experience for me. The only music shop left in my home town is HMV and they don't have all the new releases. MVC is gone, not that it was much cop anyway, WHSmith has nothing Woolworths the same, there isn't one independant music retailer.
I go in HMV and they don't have a new release I want and I find myself scratching my head thinking there isn't ANYWHERE left, no choice nothing.
Don't get me wrong I love the net for shopping but sometimes you either want to browse or you want something there and then
I go in HMV and they don't have a new release I want and I find myself scratching my head thinking there isn't ANYWHERE left, no choice nothing.
Don't get me wrong I love the net for shopping but sometimes you either want to browse or you want something there and then

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