The lampshade that drives its owners mad

20 Oct 2004
Bit of an odd one this, but Interesting

The lampshade that drives its owners mad: Strange truth behind 20th century's most disturbing object
Looted from an abandoned house, sold as junk for $35 – and finally mailed to the American author Mark Jacobson by a man who couldn't wait to get rid of it. It is the lampshade that drives its owners mad – but what is its macabre secret? Robert Chalmers investigates

Anyone else have any odd objects ?
My aunt has one of the relics from Tutankhamen's tomb but it hasn't brought any bad luck on the family as far as I can tell. Nothing like that lampshade anyway, which is terribly disturbing.
Didn't the American media go a bit mental in the 70s or 80s because lots of people died independently within a short period of time. They were all supposed to have in their possession objects recently removed from a Native American tomb.

Another one I've heard (probably again from watching 'Strange But True!' as a kid) is about taking volcanic rocks from Hawaii. Apparently you're cursed if you do which is why apparently there's a service for returning them when a sample's been swiped.

LOL people and their stupid beliefs.
Didn't the American media go a bit mental in the 70s or 80s because lots of people died independently within a short period of time. They were all supposed to have in their possession objects recently removed from a Native American tomb.

Another one I've heard (probably again from watching 'Strange But True!' as a kid) is about taking volcanic rocks from Hawaii. Apparently you're cursed if you do which is why apparently there's a service for returning them when a sample's been swiped.

LOL people and their stupid beliefs.

And there's the painting of the crying kid which 'caused' house fires.
"Get out of here: Mark Jacobson's nightmares about the lampshade impelled him to keep it sealed in a white cardboard box in storage two hours' drive away from his Brooklyn home"

Why not destroy it in oh so many ways. We should invite him where we can tell him to 'nuke it from orbit' or 'falcon punch it'.

And there's the painting of the crying kid which 'caused' house fires.

I'll have to google that. As nonsense as they are, there is a slight fascination in these tales lol.
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