The Living Death

Go down to the tobacconists, buy yourself a paket of expensive premium cigarettes and a box of matches.

Go outside, find a seat and spark up. The world around you stops. You strike the match on the matchbox, the sulphur catches light and produces a wonderful flame. You bring the flame to the end of the cigarette dangling between your lips. As the sweet tobacco ignites, you draw the beautiful aroma of the premium tobacco into your lungs.
The nicotine enters your bloodstream. Your brain cries out in thanks, you feel cool, calm and relaxed. You are happy.
Scuzi said:
Go down to the tobacconists, buy yourself a paket of expensive premium cigarettes and a box of matches.

Go outside, find a seat and spark up. The world around you stops. You strike the match on the matchbox, the sulphur catches light and produces a wonderful flame. You bring the flame to the end of the cigarette dangling between your lips. As the sweet tobacco ignites, you draw the beautiful aroma of the premium tobacco into your lungs.
The nicotine enters your bloodstream. Your brain cries out in thanks, you feel cool, calm and relaxed. You are happy.

lol! Lets hope he don't read that
Scuzi said:
Go down to the tobacconists, buy yourself a paket of expensive premium cigarettes and a box of matches.

Go outside, find a seat and spark up. The world around you stops. You strike the match on the matchbox, the sulphur catches light and produces a wonderful flame. You bring the flame to the end of the cigarette dangling between your lips. As the sweet tobacco ignites, you draw the beautiful aroma of the premium tobacco into your lungs.
The nicotine enters your bloodstream. Your brain cries out in thanks, you feel cool, calm and relaxed. You are happy.

Wow dude, you sound like you LOVE cigarettes in a way they aren't meant to be. Fags, it is funny they are called that in the UK. :p You do know what fag means in the US right?
Edward78 said:
Wow dude, you sound like you LOVE cigarettes in a way they aren't meant to be. Fags, it is funny they are called that in the UK. :p You do know what fag means in the US right?
I hate cigarettes. :p

Aye it's the same where I'm from.
Fag = queer
Feg = cigarette
Scuzi, that just aint funny, I quit nigh on 2 years ago, and for that 1 split second, i was tempted . . . . :eek:

Thats exactly what it would be like though . . .
Scuzi said:
Go down to the tobacconists, buy yourself a paket of expensive premium cigarettes and a box of matches.

Go outside, find a seat and spark up. The world around you stops. You strike the match on the matchbox, the sulphur catches light and produces a wonderful flame. You bring the flame to the end of the cigarette dangling between your lips. As the sweet tobacco ignites, you draw the beautiful aroma of the premium tobacco into your lungs.
The nicotine enters your bloodstream. Your brain cries out in thanks, you feel cool, calm and relaxed. You are happy.

Hehe! Cruel but i like it!

Scuzi said:
Go down to the tobacconists, buy yourself a paket of expensive premium cigarettes and a box of matches.

Go outside, find a seat and spark up. The world around you stops. You strike the match on the matchbox, the sulphur catches light and produces a wonderful flame. You bring the flame to the end of the cigarette dangling between your lips. As the sweet tobacco ignites, you draw the beautiful aroma of the premium tobacco into your lungs.
The nicotine enters your bloodstream. Your brain cries out in thanks, you feel cool, calm and relaxed. You are happy.

Then as you draw the sweet tasting smoke deeper and deeper, you begin to choke and convulse as you cough up both lungs.

Don't worry though. You look 'cool'.
Toekiller said:
Then as you draw the sweet tasting smoke deeper and deeper, you begin to choke and convulse as you cough up both lungs.

Don't worry though. You look 'cool'.

Holy hyperbole batman!

Presumably the path a car has taken is littered with the corpses of beautiful young children too?
Dolph said:
Holy hyperbole batman!

Presumably the path a car has taken is littered with the corpses of beautiful young children too?
Only if you're doing 31mph. If you do 30mph, the children skip merrily by :D
Scuzi said:
Only if you're doing 31mph. If you do 30mph, the children skip merrily by :D

And the cars, roads and paths are made of marshmallows, but only if you're doing 30....
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