The Many Deaths of Pc Gaming

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk

Year in Year out we see threads about pc gaming is dieing or some even say it's dead , but this thread will be different. Watch the video ;)

Year in Year out we see threads about pc gaming is dieing or some even say it's dead , but this thread will be different. Watch the video ;)

All they mean when they say 'Pc gaming is dieing' is that they can make a lot more money through consoles and that the Pc market is too much hard work.

I.e they want a quick buck for the least investment.
Well I was always a console gamer up until 3 months ago. Now im selling my 360 on saturday and ive already sold my ps3. Im using the money for my next upgrade possibly the 69** series. My flatmate was an old pc gamer until around 3 years ago when he got his 360. since ive got really into it he has decided he wants another rig. If anything I think people may start to get sick of the current gen then devs can push pc again
Did nobody read what i just wrote? , it's not the same thing again. Every thread is about PC GAMING IS DIEING and it's repetitive and old. This video finally puts it to rest! :mad:

As in the video basically confirmed what everyone knows:
PC gaming has been slowly dying for a long time and is more dead than it was 10 years ago? If there was some other message in there please let me know... ?
Did nobody read what i just wrote? , it's not the same thing again. Every thread is about PC GAMING IS DIEING and it's repetitive and old. This video finally puts it to rest! :mad:

No it doesnt. That video isnt the end of pc gaming. In the next year i will be buying fable 3, crysis 2, deus ex 3, the old republic (pc only), fear 3 and dead space 2. I could go on and on..........................:D
PC gaming wont die, it is changing form. Yes PC games are getting less space in shops now, but if you own a PC you can effectively purchase all your games on the internet...can you do that on consoles? I think PC gaming is becoming a much bigger thing all together, I am not looking at any certain game or genre here, but the bigger picture. Steam has come on in leaps and bounds the last few years and I feel I play more games because of how accessable they are now. I own a 360 and basically just play Forza3 on it, that suits me fine. I think consoles and PCs go hand in hand, one cant live without another and I dont think they should either.
No it doesnt. That video isnt the end of pc gaming. In the next year i will be buying fable 3, crysis 2, deus ex 3, the old republic (pc only), fear 3 and dead space 2. I could go on and on..........................:D

I know it isn't :p ,that video puts it across that people knock pc gaming down and that it's dieing and year after year it keeps on coming. If anyone makes a thread that pc gaming is dieing , just use this video! :D

As in the video basically confirmed what everyone knows:
PC gaming has been slowly dying for a long time and is no more dead than it was 10 years ago?

There we go ;)
PC Gaming has died in some fronts, like FPS, but it's the same story for all formats. Endless rehashes of CoD and CoD itself with yearly updates of the same game, each game is basically a new map pack now.

PC gaming has developed massively for MMO's and indie games seem to be a lot bigger, probably to cater to the laptop market.

For me gaming on all platforms is dieing. Look at the originality on the C64, Amiga, Snes and Dreamcast. Now we have CoD 89 out next month and endless rehashes of Fifa that is still pish.
Look at the originality on the C64, Amiga, Snes and Dreamcast. Now we have CoD 89 out next month and endless rehashes of Fifa that is still pish.

Very true. It is slowly dawning on me I am just getting bored of gaming in general. Most of the games are just the same bloody thing just looking different. Indie games are definitely where a lot of my interest now lies.
There we go ;)

Pfft! It depends on your definition of dying i guess. Yes new pc games are coming out every year but in comparison to say 10 years ago how many make you go "wow!!! that looks really interesting/groundbreaking/original and I must buy it"?
Perhaps its just a side effect of getting old or whatever but I've gone from upgrading my gaming rig to every 12 months to every 24/36 months in the last 5 years and I know I'm not alone.
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