The most influential gaming man of all time is...

1 Jan 2007
...Steve Jobs.

No, seriously.

Ridiculous. Surely even the most hardcore Apple fan must see a problem with that? I can sort of see their logic in including casual games, but given that logic I'd say Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook has introduced more people to casual gaming.

Even in terms of serious gaming that list has some problems. No John Carmack? Peter Molyneux? Anyone else have any suggestions?
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Peter Molyneux is a creative genius but I wouldn't necessarily put him down as the most influential. You would struggle to find anyone that can compete with his vision, his ability to create something unique, but in some ways that uniqueness is what reduces his influence - people don't copy his games much because they are off the wall! Also, while he is unsurpassed as a visionary, he never quite delivers his visions.

If you could merge Peter Molyneux with Sid Meier you'd have the perfect game designer - fantastic ideas coupled with the ability to completely nail the execution of those ideas.

Most influential - tough one, Carmack must be up there because he popularised proper 3D engines, FPS deathmatch, online multiplayer over TCP/IP client<>server model, and the engines he created got used in a bunch of games including massively successful franchises like Call of Duty.

Probably some console bods like that Nintendo geezer are viable choices too but as this is the PC gaming forum I'll ignore them :)
Mark Zuckerberg is 5th lol...

I think these guys just looked at the financial figures and went "well he did make monies."

Edit - **** THIS ****
What the ****? This is incredibly annoying, god-worship of Jobs needs to go into a dark corner and die along with the man already.
Top five products to have shaped video games:
1.Apple iPhone
2.Nintendo Wii
3.Microsoft Xbox Live
4.The original Sony PlayStation
5.Valve's Steam

**** me, what drivel :mad:! No mention of the NES which basically saved the video game industry from a dark black hole.
Steve Jobs: The Most Influential Man in MMA
Steve Jobs: The Most Influential Man in Manned Space Flight
Steve Jobs: The Most Influential Man in Dentistry
Steve Jobs: The Most Influential Man in Horse Racing
I know, he has done nothing.

Not recently anyway
Top five products to have shaped video games:

Apple iPhone
Nintendo Wii
Microsoft Xbox Live
The original Sony PlayStation
Valve's Steam
sony playstation is the only one of those that should be on the list...

it was the playstation that made gaming acceptable and no longer a nerdy geeky thing to do.

xboxlive has gave us what exactly? it was a massive step backwords from segas dreamarena for the dreamcast.......

wii brought us what? motion controlled gaming and a million crap cash in budget games.

steam i wouldnt class as a product it should be included in the PC as a whole.
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