The Nokia N80

Easy way to change the ringing tone is to go to menu then into 'profiles' > click options for 'General' (or which ever you use) > 'personalise' > first option there lets you select the file for ringing tone - i have mine set as an mp3 i added now :)
TheOtherOption said:
Easy way to change the ringing tone is to go to menu then into 'profiles' > click options for 'General' (or which ever you use) > 'personalise' > first option there lets you select the file for ringing tone - i have mine set as an mp3 i added now :)

Cheers dude, easy when you know how eh? ;)

Love the screen on this phone. :cool:
BUSH said:
from reading around on esato, the talk seems to be that the p990i might have slipped to q3 as opposed to the scheduled q2 release. Still looks like it will be the best smartphone when it finally arrives

Looks like the p990i will be out first week of July according to some people on my-symbian forums. Plus a big uk supplier of mobile equipment have now also put up a date for release 7th July.

Am really looking forward to this phone, just hope it doesnt turn out to be a major and massive disappointment that i had with the N80.
O2 told me this wasnt going to be available until early June now. How kind of them. Not worth it unless they drop the price as the 990 will be out soon.

So confused.

Anyone got any other dates through O2 direct?
Orange released this phone yesterday... I sent my M600 back and they have got it so i asked how much for the upgrade to the N80... And they said £179... :eek:

Bugger... :(

How come Orange dont do any of the Nokia Flip phones? I fancy one of them...
Anybody know what the story with 2gig miniSD's and the n80 are yet?
Do some work and others dont or does the n80 just not support them yet?

Really impressed with the phone so far, seems really fast and the screen is lovely!

Just have to wait for a bit more software to become available now.
Can someone tell me where the hell the web browser is? I've set up my WLAN settings but cant find the browser anywhere?
I've just ended up buying a 1gig miniSD as i know that'll work :o ... keeping my 2gig one as i can use it with the adaptor in my ixus 700 :p
I sincerely hope they fix it with a firmware/software update as i want to be able to use it ...
TheOtherOption said:
I've just ended up buying a 1gig miniSD as i know that'll work :o ... keeping my 2gig one as i can use it with the adaptor in my ixus 700 :p
I sincerely hope they fix it with a firmware/software update as i want to be able to use it ...

Is it a problem with all 2gig miniSD cards, as im looking to buy one. . .
Well from what i've read it's a bit confusing as on the nokia forums some people claim to have no problems running a 2gig card but yet other (incl myself!) seem to have problems :( ... i would just go for a 1gig one for now and then in the future if they solve it with a firmware update then get a 2gig card rather than do what i did an buy the card before knowing it's technically a waste of time.
Although you might just be lucky - as long as you buy from a well known maker then i think it might be ok - mines prolly just not the best quality - it did only cost me £45 :o
The 1gig card i now have is direct from Nokia meaning if there are problems it's gotta be my phone - but as yet it's all good :)
tbh this memory card issue sounds just like the ones that have been plaguing nokias for a while. Some cards work, some don't, and it's always worse with the larger sizes.

As a general rule, decent makes will be more likely to work than cheap ones, but there's no guarantee.
BUSH said:
open the menu -> my own -> web

Thanks for your help first of all. Could you elaborate though as when i do this it opens the net via 3G and not through wireless LAN? Could you tell me exactly what you did when you first got the phone to set up the net connection.

I have connected the phone to my network but cannot browse via the network. Come to mention it i dont think i have managed to connect to the network since i first set it up. Could you tell me how you do it?

I have RTFM'd but the manual is bloody useless. Its an Orange phone by the way but doesn't seem to have been bastardised. Many Thanks
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