The OCUK website is very good compared...

2 Dec 2006
Ive been looking at many other competitors websites resently. None of them seem to be as good as the OCUk one. They either have stupid methods of finding products where you have to go through tones of sub catagorys to get to it. Or on one i just found i have to scroll through all of the graphics cards within a price range instead grrr.

So i think who ever designed the OCUK website has done very well :)
I like the layout, though really it isn't a factor in where I buy stuff, I just go for the cheapest price on a trustworthy website, whether that be OCUK on certain items or a competitor. Have to say I personally preferred the old layout in a way. :p
Simplicity is Key in web design. Although OCUK specialise in a specific range of reliable, high-quality products. It's a bit like a brothel only offering women who look like Alba. They don't sell rubbish like a lot of places and thus it is much easier to keep everything neatly organised.
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I still prefer the old site, but since OcUK have put the subcatagories across the top of the page it makes life better. Still a lot of other sites i prefer when searching, but as a browsing website its pretty decent.
yes i did like the old version more to. But this is still better then many other sites ive been on. Im struggling to find things on some.

One of them have their memory under categories such as "DDR2" but you cant find all the DDR2 memory (which you have to search through for ever differnt speed). As some of them are under "overclocking" which contains all differnt speeds. Bit rediculace(cant spell i know) way of sorting out ram as i thought all ram could be overclocked, and technically all of the "opverclocking" ram is ddr2. So why isn't it in there? lol.
OcUK is the best organised, but is a bit more expensive on some items, but its hard to find the bloody bargains on the other rubbush sites!!
8igdave said:
Ive been looking at many other competitors websites resently. None of them seem to be as good as the OCUk one. They either have stupid methods of finding products where you have to go through tones of sub catagorys to get to it. Or on one i just found i have to scroll through all of the graphics cards within a price range instead grrr.

So i think who ever designed the OCUK website has done very well :)

Wow, everybody wants to be a don these days ;)
Greenlizard0 said:
Wow, everybody wants to be a don these days ;)

Lol ive had far to many of my posts edited or deleated ;) I have a habbit of speaking the truth dammit! lol. *hides in the corner*

Now im wondering if my "Get your free Pen now" is going to be deleated as people are starting to turn it dodgy. Then ill get the blame hmpf! lol.
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Megahurtz400 said:
OcUK is the best organised, but is a bit more expensive on some items, but its hard to find the bloody bargains on the other rubbush sites!!

I serpose the extra costs you make up in electricity and internet bills looking for them :P lol.
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