*** The Official Destiny Thread (now includes 2.0 and TTK) ***

Ah I put myself down for this one then :)

- OweO (369/370 hopefully Warlock)
- Greboth (364 Warlock)
- DavieM66 (360 Warlock)
- r3d_zombie (366 Titan)
- redrooster303 (365 titan)
- TX0409 (361 Warlock)

Like I said hopefully be a bit higher will grind some strikes.

Cool. :)

EDIT: Will be circa 371 on Pigtails. Same strats as last time although at the beginning we only need on runner (I can do that). Two on left and right and one covering middle with the sides flexing as required.

Will there be any interest in doing a fresh raid Wednesday / Thursday night ? Not done it before so looking for help. My hunter is at 368

I wouldn't mind running again if there is a free spot. I can run either a ~370 hunter or ~370 Titan.

Originally Posted by wattsy View Post
Say 8pm wednesday or Thursday whatever is best for people

- Chewie9967 (hunter 369)
- sk8board_pete
- OweO

EDIT: Thursday for me

Got the final boss down last night, so satisfying. That is a tough fight, a lot of fun though. Got the scout and Titan mark, very happy with both. Although the auto rifle looks great, hope to get that next.

Nice one man (+ the whole team). :)
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Destiny on PC might be rip for console, I can image things like switching weapons being so much easier.

I'd imagine there will be a dent but 'rip' might be a bit too much. Consider Overwatch for example, that game is clearly better on PC but PS4 and XB1 have tons and tons of players. I honestly don't know what I would do if Destiny 2 came out for PC, I know I would certainly need an upgrade but I think the majority of my friends would stay on console.
I'd imagine there will be a dent but 'rip' might be a bit too much. Consider Overwatch for example, that game is clearly better on PC but PS4 and XB1 have tons and tons of players. I honestly don't know what I would do if Destiny 2 came out for PC, I know I would certainly need an upgrade but I think the majority of my friends would stay on console.

Overwatch is a great example, its fine on console but way better on PC and PC is the clear focus from blizzard as its the better platform for FPS, its the more competitive platform, has way more freedom as they are not tied down to MSFT/Sony that have weird rules and contractors that limit their freedom.

Destiny would work even better, MMOs and FPS are both better on PC. Also the team at Bungie are not as good as the team at blizzard, and they seem they are already far to stretched, the game has far too many bugs and a lot of issues with balance. They have stated they don't want to balance pve and pvp differently, how will they handle a completely different input type cause you really need separate balance between PC and console e.g. Genji was nerf'd on console. Then you have a whole new level of communication, you could have in game text chat which really improves MMOs, a lot of people for whatever reason don't want too use a mic, however with text chat you can basically do most of what you need. I've done huge raids in MMOs just with text chat and it was fine, you could clear raids without a party just fine.

I guess we will see how it works out but I'm not so hopefully. Personally I think I would switch to PC if Destiny 2 is a hard reset but stay on console if it wasn't.
Destiny on PC might be rip for console, I can image things like switching weapons being so much easier.

I would be very torn if it does happen, I guess it kind of worked with Division though. Wonder how legit the rumours are...

The main thing I would be salty about is loss of character "legacy" - not necessarily unlocks/weapons etc, but I've played since Beta, I don't want that to count for nothing.
If Destiny 2 came out on PC I'd switch in a heartbeat and then give my PS4 to my little brother. I only bought my PS4 for Destiny and it's the only game I play on it as the system doesn't really appeal to me.

Could then get some of my PC only friends to finally see why I have spent so much time away from my desk.
I still need to do kings fall raid from taken king, will any one do it with me tonight if get on at 9pm?? I know it's old one but I never did it and few quests for it
Destiny 2 on PC would be epic...shame I have no faith in Bungie doing it justice. Assuming that they did get it right I think I would still stick with the PS4 version simply because of the existing players I have met.

They've finally found out how to get the exotic pulse with the wolf pack type rounds. WTF Bungie!

Crazy! Fair play to both Bungie for going to the lengths they did for the quest/challenge, and the community for coming together to solve the last monitor.

Managed to get it sorted and pick up the quest last night, got to grind out the rest now

Edit: Funny opening in the Kotaku article :D

Destiny, a video game in which players travel through space wondering why the hell they can’t get new artifacts
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