*** The Official Destiny Thread (now includes 2.0 and TTK) ***

Outbreak Prime is ready for IB tonight. Cant wait to pop some heads with the Wolfpack rounds. It was tearing up in Trials last night :D:D.

Anyone for an OcUK fireteam? I'll be on about 20:30 if anyone wants to team up as its Supremacy sticking together should net wins.

Add me on PSN: Shawreyboy
Another fusion convert... :D

I do need to infuse my FWC Vacancy up (although I have a very nice roll on one of my Saladin's Vigils).

Also got a 379 Plan C drop from the raid so might bring that out for a play (Plan C was my go to before a Thesan FR4 which was then replaced with the vendor Vacancy).

I'm running a 77 Wizard....death to the shotgunners!
Could be the modifiers? In the last two weeks we have had primaries doing ~ double damage (arc burn Zhalo 1st week and small arms last week).

I haven't checked what they are for this week.

EDIT: Just checked and it has void burn and small arms. *should* feel about the same TBH as previous weeks (although Undying mind will be *fun* with void burn).
Heroic Strike Playlist

  • Heroic - Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive.
  • Void Burn - Void damage from any source is greatly increased.
  • Berserk - Minions of the Darkness won't flinch, even after massive damage.
  • Small Arms - Primary Weapon damage is favoured.
Looking forward to IB. My Plan C is ready! Still only about 353 though, so we'll see how squishy I am. Seem to be stuck at just above 350, hope IB helps.
Look at all of you using fusion rifles because you're too rubbish to use shotguns properly* :p

*This statement has absolutely genuinely 100% nothing what so ever to do with the fact I can't use fusion rifles and die so often to them just before I shotgun them in the face

Looking forward to IB. My Plan C is ready! Still only about 353 though, so we'll see how squishy I am. Seem to be stuck at just above 350, hope IB helps.

Think I am around 337. I'm sooo gonna get my arse kicked.

PvP has some good drops and when they drop they will be above your light but the quickest way is the heroic strikes when you can as you're guaranteed 2 drops at or higher than your current light.

To quote Moe: "Fusion rifled!"

It's quite funny vaporising a shotgun rusher (or to really get the salt flowing a Titan starting their super) as no one seems to expect the fusion...

IB at 337 will be painful (nearly 50 light levels below current cap). I have no idea of the damage drop off but I can only assume it will be something like a 40% damage reduction combined with a similar incoming damage increase (think MIDA 3 shot instead of 4 shot, HC's two shotting etc). Run in a team and you will be ok but solo 1v1 .... nope.

Still it is supremacy so just run around collecting the crests and come top of the team :)
Could be the modifiers? In the last two weeks we have had primaries doing ~ double damage (arc burn Zhalo 1st week and small arms last week).

I haven't checked what they are for this week.

EDIT: Just checked and it has void burn and small arms. *should* feel about the same TBH as previous weeks (although Undying mind will be *fun* with void burn).

Yeah just done some more and it wasn't as bad. I had the three worst one's in a row (nearly everything shooting void) coupled with idiots leaving halfway through or just standing at the beginning.

Undying mind does a lot of damage and I think he shoots burn. His splash damage is a PITA.
Tuesday 7PM - PS4

- OweO - 376 Hunter
- Greboth - 369 Warlock
- DavieM66 - ? Warlock
- Redrooster - 372 Titan
- Sk8board_Pete - 367 Hunter
- Leopold Scotch - 373 Titan

With Blue bear dropping out, assuming Sk8board_Pete is still good for a back up and Oweo you bring your Titan. Then we are high enough light with the right mix for going for the pulse rifle too.

Edit: Yeah the undying mind is an odd one. He shoots orange but it is void.
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Look at all of you using fusion rifles because you're too rubbish to use shotguns properly* :p

*This statement has absolutely genuinely 100% nothing what so ever to do with the fact I can't use fusion rifles and die so often to them just before I shotgun them in the face

PvP has some good drops and when they drop they will be above your light but the quickest way is the heroic strikes when you can as you're guaranteed 2 drops at or higher than your current light.

I haven't even finished the ROI campaign yet as I am mostly playing Control and Rift (I still love Destiny PvP even after 2 years). You're right, the drops are really good and blue engrams specifically have moved me forward quite quickly. I only get to play for around an hour per day (more on weekends) so I don't mind going at it slowly.
I assume you mean bring my hunter Greboth as otherwise we will have 3 titans... :p

We can push the start back to 8 as we should blitz through to the siege engine at least (that fight seems more luck based than the rest).
Oh derp! Yeah I meant hunter. Edited for accuracy.

Yeah Archpriest should go down easy now as we have plenty of DPS. I think the first part of Aksis is going to be alright too as the mechanics of that fight aren't too bad. It will be the siege engine and final Aksis fight that will determine if we succeed tonight or not.
Cinematic for IB, swish! Will fire the party up in a few minutes once I've eaten.

Super tip!

If you stand on the fire in Felwinter Peak, you now get catapulted up to the top of the tower where you can nab the SIVA cluster :cool:
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