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Motivation and Content in Elite: Dangerous


Nail on head imo.

I know quoting yourself is bad form but its relevant in this case :p

So after chatting to the FuelRats turned out there was a way to help me out. you can not transfer ores but in theory someone in an SRV can find them and break them up and then a ship can actually scoop them from the planets surface.

Its a long way to come and a PITA to actually traverse this part of space due to the large distance between systems so I told them not to bother and I would just self destruct.
Two guys in the chat room really did not want me to do it and were really keen to give the rescue ago so they started making there way to me.
We finally made contact last night and tried out the transfer system and it worked! although it was a bit tricky on hilly terrain. So now we have to find some Vanadium and Niobium to get me back to habitated space.
Times are a bit difficult as they don't get on until quite late when i need to sleep but hopefully once the weekends here we can get it sorted.

I'm pretty sure this is the first rescue of this kind (for the Rats anyway) and although it was my idiocy in coming here unprepared I'm glad i did now as its led to quite the adventure.

If I get out I guess it will go on the RATs epic rescue board and I'll be famous! (albeit for being an idiot :cool:)

After watching that video, which is spot on, I can see what the fuel rats get out of their job. They've created a way to interact with pilots, that creates new "missions", in this case challenging and novel ones, and is rewarding in that they are genuinely assisting other players. I would love it if FD could create more opportunities to do things like this.
After watching that video, which is spot on, I can see what the fuel rats get out of their job. They've created a way to interact with pilots, that creates new "missions", in this case challenging and novel ones, and is rewarding in that they are genuinely assisting other players. I would love it if FD could create more opportunities to do things like this.

The problem is....FD didnt actually create the opportunity or the interactivity...Fuelrats did. It is just a crying shame that the way Fuelrats interact is initially outside the game. Its not an ingame mechanic. I'm no game designer but it boggles my mind the countless chances to increase/fix ingame interaction and opportunity for more depth and interaction...that FD missed :(
FD will have to give power to the players eventually.
Its screaming out for such a universe.

Also, although it has countless ranks/faction related concepts, I wonder if it would benefit from "XP" based?
The problem is....FD didnt actually create the opportunity or the interactivity...Fuelrats did. It is just a crying shame that the way Fuelrats interact is initially outside the game. Its not an ingame mechanic. I'm no game designer but it boggles my mind the countless chances to increase/fix ingame interaction and opportunity for more depth and interaction...that FD missed :(

Yeah, I mean that they should embrace things like this and find ways to make them part of the game. Things like a distress beacon or something, where you could get credits or rep for rescuing stranded pilots (enough to discourage people from just blasting them to pieces as trolls).
I have just got back from the core so first time i have tried and seen the new game features.
At the moment i have a asp now back in to long range trading spec,also a anaconda in a damage/trading spec with about 30 milion in the bank
Has any one got good pointers for any of the new ships are they any good and are they better than i have ??.
I have just got back from the core so first time i have tried and seen the new game features.
At the moment i have a asp now back in to long range trading spec,also a anaconda in a damage/trading spec with about 30 milion in the bank
Has any one got good pointers for any of the new ships are they any good and are they better than i have ??.

I would love to know this too.

Whats your conda fitted out with?
spent a few hours tonight finally, getting used to things slowly and trading is slow to start. Am i doing things right? managed to double my money to a massive 2k :D a few runs carrying some raw materials making about 140 credits a run, now i can afford to fill the cargo so should make 200 ish a go.

people talking millions seem like a lifetime of trading :D

How long is it viable to hold on to the loaner ship? obviously having enough to buy one in the first place is going to take a while but how far can you upgrade the cargo on this to maximize storage.
It gets a LOT easier when you get bigger ships. Once you get into a hauler look at "rares routes" great profit per tonne and a fast track to a cobra or an asp at which point the world opens up a lot.

You can bounty hunt and 'kill steal' wanted pythons and even anacondas for 200k a pop in a cobra/viper with ease.

Keep pluggin away.
@Kanifee : Go hunting at RES sites, you can make massive amounts of credits taking out wanted bandits all in a starter ship. I would suggest playing in solo mode at the start.

This old video shows how the above all works. The end of it shows roughly where and what to look for. Hope it helps !!

I am doing some squeaky bum time stuff as I did a few bits on my python and am about 4m short of the buy back cost should everything go wrong. I nearly fried my ship when I fired two shield cell banks at once (bad fire grouping) and my temps went to 180% while running from a whole RES worth of ships. That was bad. Once I get my buyback up I can be a bit bolder.
Yay....With the help of the FuelRats and particularly CMDR Ridgerrunner, I finally made it out of the dark area behind Barnard's loop. Finally picked up the last couple of Niomium required and headed back Saturday (would have been Friday but the servers went down)

After watching that video, which is spot on, I can see what the fuel rats get out of their job. They've created a way to interact with pilots, that creates new "missions", in this case challenging and novel ones, and is rewarding in that they are genuinely assisting other players. I would love it if FD could create more opportunities to do things like this.

When I got out I headed over to the rat's base to sell my exploration data to help their faction. There base is named "fuelum" so either FD have renamed a system for them which means they are not totally against adapting the environment to suit groups which might be a good sign for the future or they got really lucky that the system existed already in a workable area.
Had a few hours today and decided to do a couple of missions and a little exploration along the way. The start up video posted earlier has been a godsend, a real must indeed!

2 courier missions and scanning locations i arrive at has seen me cover about 40ly and bring in 32k of credit after selling on the stellar cartography scans, a massive increase from before :D Filling the cargo with lepidolite, the substance i seem to make most profit moving from large stations to smaller oribtals nets me about 1.2k profit or there about each time i move between systems too.

Really starting to get in to this now and having a blast too! Makes a nice change of pace form cs:go also.

I do keep noticing missions for 40k+ returns whereby you have to find 1x ton of x mineral or gem stone. while on the face of it that seems straight forward i have steered away from these as i assume for that money they are quite a challenge to find?
I think, generally speaking, you'll have to mine for those materials - you won't find them sold at a station anywhere near where they're being asked for.

I haven't tried mining, so I can't tell you more than that.
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