*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Nice to see that other things are being introduced into the game, wonder how long it'll be before something with these meta things will end up kicking off and for it to have adverse effects...
Hi all, Im thinking about buying the game Elite Dangerous: Horizons,would there be any need to buy and play the origional?

"Elite Dangerous: Horizons is a stand-alone game, and doesn’t require Season 1 to play"
Big red-higlighted text on the store page ;)

Unless you meant Elite, as in the 1984 version?
Starting to make she real progress now. Have been doing a bit of bounty collection at res sites and amassed about 450k, upgraded to a eagle and outfitted a few bits leaving me with 200 ish k, the plan is to generate more funds with the eagle to then get something more trade focused and outfit to mine and trade with a better jump range.

Is it only me that thinks after playing ed and sc that a battle star Galactica style ftl jump system would be nicer and more realistic with navigating jumps? Maybe just me but I think it would be pretty cool :D
Someone at work say my (real life) name in-game recently after I backed in kickstarter :)

Never actually expected anyone to spot it, now I'm outed as a gamer here..
Elite Dangerous will be the first game I purchase once I have built my new PC. It's still a few months off as I'm still trying to raise the funds for the build.
My current 32bit vista fossil has served me well but is so outdated now.
I have read good and bad reviews but I think it's one of those "love it or hate it" titles you have to put some time into and make up you're own mind.
Hi guys, I started playing this again yesterday, ive not played for a few months as I burned out during beta and ran out of new things to try... Ive been having a great time these last couple of days, earnt a few million credits and bought a nice selection of ships to compliment my main Python. I'm a kickstarter backer with founder status and Ive noticed chat about Horizons, ive not really been reading the emails or kept up to date, so can anyone tell me what Horizons is? is it included in the Kickstarter backer "Founder" tier? is it an expansion/DLC or separate stand-alone game? whats the crossover? thanks for any help or info.
not an issue playing with KB&M a lot of people I know do... but I play with an x52 pro and I love it :)


Cheers for the reply. I have been wanting to find a game I can really get into for ages and have had my eye on elite dangerous for a while so I think ill go for it with KB&M and then at a later date invest in a good joystick.
Cheers for the reply. I have been wanting to find a game I can really get into for ages and have had my eye on elite dangerous for a while so I think ill go for it with KB&M and then at a later date invest in a good joystick.

It's a lot better with a half decent joystick. Thrustmaster T Flight HOTAS can be picked up for ~£30 and it's great as a starter joystick. I put around 100 hours on mine before deciding I was in to it enough to warrant an upgrade to an X52.
Is it practical to play with kb&m or do people recommend joysticks?
Try it with KB&M, see how you get on. I personally prefered a stick and got a FLY5, but still felt the need for a full HOTAS and got a CH set.
By comparison, I simply cannot get on with anything but KB&M in Star Citizen and a couple similar games.

Start cheap and see where it goes. I certainly don't regret either upgrade, though!!
It's a lot better with a half decent joystick. Thrustmaster T Flight HOTAS can be picked up for ~£30 and it's great as a starter joystick. I put around 100 hours on mine before deciding I was in to it enough to warrant an upgrade to an X52.

Thanks for the replys, that sounds like good advice.
Try it with KB&M, see how you get on. I personally prefered a stick and got a FLY5, but still felt the need for a full HOTAS and got a CH set.
By comparison, I simply cannot get on with anything but KB&M in Star Citizen and a couple similar games.

Start cheap and see where it goes. I certainly don't regret either upgrade, though!!

Thanks mate.
OK. I just did a sex wee.

We also want to share with you more details about the expansions that will be coming to Horizons over the course of the season. We know you’re all as excited as we are about the planned roadmap ahead so without any more delay, they are….

2.1 – The Engineers
Coming Spring 2016
Everything changes. Introducing an expanded mission system and game-changing loot. Craft exotic weapons and modules for your spacecraft and build a ship unlike any other.

2.2 – Guardians
Coming Summer 2016
Take what comes and strike back with double. Bring a second ship to every combat encounter with Ship-Launched Fighters and defend your passengers against the deadliest threats in the galaxy.

2.3 – The Commanders
Coming Fall 2016
Team up and stand together. Forge your own identity with the new Commander Creator, then share your bridge with Multi-Crew and fly with friends.

2.4 – ????
A secret to be revealed in Elite Dangerous: Horizons’ final expansion!

Thank you again for joining us on this journey. We are truly grateful for your incredible ongoing support. Together we will discover new worlds, new Horizons and blaze the most amazing trail.

o7 Commanders

THIS THIS AND SO THIS. HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO FRONTIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some really basic questions about factions:

Can you get ranked with more than one at a time?

Does doing work for one reduce your standing with another? Or only if your actions are directly against the other?

I had a mission from the federation to kill some civilians in Alliance space. Presumably I'd become wanted, and lose standing with Alliance for doing that?

If I had a hankering for an Imperial Courier, what would be the quickest way to get the needed rank? GO to an Imperial system and just take missions?
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