*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Successful evening. Finally made Baron within the Imperials. Went straight out and bought a Clipper, which was the whole point in ranking to Baron. 44 mill credits later and it's looking pretty good. Configured for primarily transport, but with the ability to defend itself. The bad points are that it's a large ship, so won't fit at some ports. Additionally, the shields are a bit pants. Making up for that, it's half the cost of the Python (when comparably configured), has better pitch rate and is a good deal faster, meaning that evading ships is a LOT easier.

Next target is to rank up further with the Feds. I've wandered across to Tun, but frankly, I'm finding it utterly soul-destroying. It's:
- Go into bulletin board
- Pick off all the donate missions, give dosh
- Go to main menu
- Log back in either into Solo, or Open, swapping between
Repeat the above ad-nauseum.
Don't get me wrong, it's effective, if long winded. Made about 50% through Warrant officer level in probably 45 mins.
However, it's gamemanship at it's worst, and surely the point of Elite, is not horrible grinds, but the experiences and fun of doing things generally not available in most games. Think I'll finish this rank such that I could buy the FGS, then go back to more normal style of play.

I did some checking for the above. Apparently I'd need to run through something like 1200 donate missions to make rear admiral. Right now, getting 2-3 per login, meaning that I'd be looking at doing the above a good 500 times. Just...no.
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Successful evening. Finally made Baron within the Imperials. Went straight out and bought a Clipper, which was the whole point in ranking to Baron. 44 mill credits later and it's looking pretty good. Configured for primarily transport, but with the ability to defend itself. The bad points are that it's a large ship, so won't fit at some ports. Additionally, the shields are a bit pants. Making up for that, it's half the cost of the Python (when comparably configured), has better pitch rate and is a good deal faster, meaning that evading ships is a LOT easier.

Next target is to rank up further with the Feds. I've wandered across to Tun, but frankly, I'm finding it utterly soul-destroying. It's:
- Go into bulletin board
- Pick off all the donate missions, give dosh
- Go to main menu
- Log back in either into Solo, or Open, swapping between
Repeat the above ad-nauseum.
Don't get me wrong, it's effective, if long winded. Made about 50% through Warrant officer level in probably 45 mins.
However, it's gamemanship at it's worst, and surely the point of Elite, is not horrible grinds, but the experiences and fun of doing things generally not available in most games. Think I'll finish this rank such that I could buy the FGS, then go back to more normal style of play.

I did some checking for the above. Apparently I'd need to run through something like 1200 donate missions to make rear admiral. Right now, getting 2-3 per login, meaning that I'd be looking at doing the above a good 500 times. Just...no.

I did really love the clipper when I had it. Such a nice cockpit too. Makes a good pirate ship since it's fast enough to chase most stuff and big enough to mass lock them too. Lacks the grunt of a python in a fight, but it's a good all rounder.

For that reason, I'm going to save up for a cutter
Hmm, just seen how much a reasonably well kitted out cutter will cost. Guess that'll take a while then....
Additionally, I kind of get the impression that the Conda is potentially a better allrounder. Thoughts?
I have to say that I've no idea how you'd control Elite with a KB/Mouse.
The simplest/cheapest solution IMO is a wired Xbox controller. I used one when I started playing ED and my son is still using it with my laptop.
If you can't afford a full Hotas, it's a good option.

hmm i might try my xbox controller later and see if that helps. Thanks

It's actually very easy and surprisingly effective using KB & mouse. You just have to set it up in a FPS fashion.

Watch this:-

To be honest, if it wasn't for that video, I would likely have not even played this, as it's to be expected that your usual flight-sim is far too difficult for keyboard play and I have no controller. I also don't play at a desk at the moment, so couldn't really use a flight-stick anyway. I'm using this set-up lay on my bed with the keyboard on my lap, but I am doing fine.

Here's a basic rundown of my main bindings:-

W - Forward thrust
S - Reverse thrust
A/D - Strafe left/right
Q/E - Roll left/right
C - Vertical thrust down
[SPACE] - Vertical thrust up
[MOUSE] - Pitch & Yaw

X - Engines 0%
Mouse button 3 - Engines 75%
Mouse scroll - Increase/Decrease engines in 10% increments
[F1] - Super cruise
[F2] - Hyper drive
[F4] - Landing gear
[SHIFT] + WASD - Power management pips

F - Central target
Mouse 4 - Cycle targets
Mouse 5 - Target highest threat
1, 2, 3, 4 - Dashboard panels
[ALT] (hold) - Free-look
[RIGHT SHIFT] - Deploy/Retract hard-points
[BACKSPACE] - Silent running

It's pretty much as described on the video, but with a few personal tweaks. Make sure you set the mouse sensitivity controls as he does near the beginning.

Hope this helps some of you out a bit.
Hmm, just seen how much a reasonably well kitted out cutter will cost. Guess that'll take a while then....
Additionally, I kind of get the impression that the Conda is potentially a better allrounder. Thoughts?

Yeah about 600m to get it class A! Long term goals ofc. I might stop at an anaconda along the way. Maybe even some type 9 trading
I got this yesterday afte seeing the hilarious worthabuy channel on youtube. All of the blockbuster games of 2015 havent engrossed me 1/10th as much as this one. Played from 7pm to 3am today, the first time in yonks that a game has grabbed me like this :D
Regretting my decision to drop shields to get more cargo space. I lost my Type 6 and 105t of Imperial Slaves (total ~1.5mil) last night after I got interdicted by 2 enemies at once, one of which was a wing of 2 eagles. No hope of outrunning them even with full power to engines. I dropped chaff, stuck on silent running and kept firing off heatsinks but they finally got me as my FSD was charging.

To be fair I doubt I'd have survived even with shields but in future I won't risk finding out!
It's beautiful! I think I would be minus one spouse and child if I had that in my house as I would never leave

Thank you so much, yeah it's great for movies racing and flight sims. Even played bf4 and a few others on it. Flying in wow is great as well.
When I link up my Logitech g29 on project cars it feels like your inside the car.
The screen is 180 degrees so all your field of view is at the screen ;)

That is awesome :eek: That setup must have cost a pretty penny :eek:

Haha he should have! :p

Good think with Ati is the super resolution when enabled on both projectors I'm getting 6400x1800 and it makes loads better. Now I'm going to have to try and play with 3D
Total cost of table projectors and the Icarus avenger 180 and sim warp software is about 2.7k.
Regretting my decision to drop shields to get more cargo space. I lost my Type 6 and 105t of Imperial Slaves (total ~1.5mil) last night after I got interdicted by 2 enemies at once, one of which was a wing of 2 eagles. No hope of outrunning them even with full power to engines. I dropped chaff, stuck on silent running and kept firing off heatsinks but they finally got me as my FSD was charging.

To be fair I doubt I'd have survived even with shields but in future I won't risk finding out!

If i'm trading I will always carry a shield even if its a class 2 or 3. With a booster or two and a heat sink it gives you enough time to plot a local system and jump. If you submit to the interdiction you can start boosting away the moment you drop and your FSD will cool pretty quickly. Even if you don't submit and lose the mini game you can dump a heatsink and activate your FSD straight away.
I was interdicted in the Cutter the other night by a wing of 3, I took some hull damage but got away fine and that was with a small shield generator
Quick update on the fast ranking in Tun.
Still a miserable process. For all that, I found a local system that stocks a good deal of the food stuffs that the missions are about. As such, changed the config of my Clipper to give is 180 tons of cargo, and grabbed a bunch of food, then went back to Tun.
I've made my way through 4 Fed ranks in roughly 6 hours. No, it is NOT fun. However, I figured that if I get this out of the way, it's done, and hopefully something that I can avoid ever re-visiting. So right now, planning to nail the remaining 2.2 ranks to make Rear Admiral. My guess is roughly 3-4 hours real time.
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