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Been running rares in a type 6, making about 1.3mil each run doing the lave loop. The type 6 is like a boat though so am looking for the next step up and wondered what people would recommend?

Clipper - if you have the rank. Almost as fast as a Cobra, nothing mass locks it.

That's how i went anyway - used it for mining in Pristine rings. Then onto a Python. Almost at an Anaconda, but taking my time to enjoy doing all things in the game rather than 'grind' one thing.
Clipper - if you have the rank. Almost as fast as a Cobra, nothing mass locks it.

That's how i went anyway - used it for mining in Pristine rings. Then onto a Python. Almost at an Anaconda, but taking my time to enjoy doing all things in the game rather than 'grind' one thing.

That's what I did and can also recommend the clipper to python route. I do miss the speed of the clipper, and that gorgeous cockpit. I've been having fun zipping about in my srv mining materials for synthesising. Just for fun more than anything.

Did a bit of trading, but it doesn't seem as profitable as just hopping in a res and wrecking npc ships. That and the jump range in my python is dire.
Here's a probably daft question.

When you're in the nav pane, the thing you're locked on to has the little orange arrow icon next to it, right? Sometimes, another item will have a bright blue version of that same arrow. What does this mean?
Ok pointers for the best way to work towards a clipper?i have about 5.5mil in total assets and have a 'friendly' association with local law enforcement, should I begin working on rank now? will that go towards funds and make it easier to accumulate the funds needed when I'm aligned with a faction?

current standings.

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A Clipper requires for you to be at Baron level within the Empire and having the requisite dosh to buy and outfit. My opinion on outfitting is that you need roughly 40-45million to make it worthwhile, and for a full outfitting for trading will set you back roughly 80 million. The good news is that you should make the cash during the missions required to gain the rank.

In theory, you can find an Empire focused system and grab every charity mission going for a number of hours. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be an equivalent of Tun (Fed version). The solution is to find a decent Empire system with as many Imperial affiliated System Factions as possible in it, then just work your way through missions for those Factions. I think it took me roughly 4 weeks to make Baron, just picking off normal missions. Wasn't trying to really fast track it, and made enough dosh to buy a Python, before then adding a Clipper to it. The good news is that those varied missions are a LOT more fun than hammering away at charity missions for 10 hours.
Ha! Can't believe I never twigged to that! Thanks guys.

Next stupid question: I don't quite get the fuel gauges. The main one, and it showing in blue how much will be used by the next jump, I'm fine with. But what's the thin one about?
In theory, you can find an Empire focused system and grab every charity mission going for a number of hours. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be an equivalent of Tun (Fed version).
Tamar was the Imperial equivalent back when I did my rank grind (better actually, because it had charity and courier missions) however a quick check on the official forums suggests that it has been nerfed.

Next stupid question: I don't quite get the fuel gauges. The main one, and it showing in blue how much will be used by the next jump, I'm fine with. But what's the thin one about?
The thin one is used for in-system stuff (supercruise, powering life support, shields etc), it constantly slowly drains and once it's empty it steals a little bit of fuel from the large one to refill itself.
So I just discovered the Robigo run. This evening I made about 30m in about three runs. Started with 8m in the bank, bought an asp and stuck a decent FSD and A3 scoop on it and now I have an A rated Asp and about 20m in the bank. Easy money! If you're gonna grind credits, at least this feels worthwhile. Will do this until I can get a tradeconda on the go I think
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My Thrustmaster Hotas X arrived yesterday and I've been spending some time getting the feel of it. Loving it so far and whilst it's quite a learning curve moving from keyboard & mouse I can already feel it will vastly improve the game for me.

I've been experimenting with a number of setups for the Hotas X I've found on the forums and Youtube etc. The one I've been most comfortable with so far is Crab's setup. However, this uses a LOT of shift modifiers. which is rather overwhelming at first.

Can anyone recommend a slightly more simplified Hotas X setup that is good for beginners? Or should I stick with the Crab setup and try and master the modifiers?

I should mention that I feel more comfortable having the thrusters on the throttle stick and paddles (as per Crab) rather than on the Pov Hat.

Been using the same HOTAS for a couple of weeks now. It's brilliant for the price.

I've started using voice attack as well now. It really reduces the requirement for modifiers when you've got it all set up.
So I just discovered the Robigo run. This evening I made about 30m in about three runs. Started with 8m in the bank, bought an asp and stuck a decent FSD and A3 scoop on it and now I have an A rated Asp and about 20m in the bank. Easy money! If you're gonna grind credits, at least this feels worthwhile. Will do this until I can get a tradeconda on the go I think

Welcome Brother. I made around 300 mill from those runs. I now have 650 mil assets inc an Asp Explorer, a Python and an Anaconda. Keep it up
what are the caveats to do this robigo run, rank, funds, cargo space/ships spec recommended? I have watched youtube videos of it and it looks very high pressure but i have never looked in to the finer details.

Not much tbh. The higher your trade rank the better, but I'm only a broker at the moment. You just want an asp with plenty of cargo space and the best jump range possible. Oh and a decent fuel scoop. You won't need any funds besides insurance (just in case) as you get given the cargo to smuggle. It's not particularly high pressure, but you will get interdicted a lot so you may need to fight or run a few times. I kept weapons and a small shield on and have needed both
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Okay so I relented and bought Horizons during the Steam sale :D Only landed on one planet yet, but it's very cool to be able to just drop down and nosey around :p

I haven't played Elite in months, thinking I might start a brand new "character" - Still finding it quite a "lonely" game, as in there isn't much actual human communication, unless I'm missing out on something? Is there any areas where everyone congregates?
Okay so I relented and bought Horizons during the Steam sale :D Only landed on one planet yet, but it's very cool to be able to just drop down and nosey around :p

I haven't played Elite in months, thinking I might start a brand new "character" - Still finding it quite a "lonely" game, as in there isn't much actual human communication, unless I'm missing out on something? Is there any areas where everyone congregates?

Very often other cmdrs can be trouble! That said, you're more than welcome to wing up with me for a bit of chat and safety in numbers. I'll be doing the Robigo run for a while though.

Part of me is tempted to get a pirate clipper build on the go and hit Lave for lols
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