*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

So, what happens when you get blown up then, respawn back in ship ot back at the last station you were at?

You spawn back on your ship minus your SRV, which is a bit of a problem if your stupid enough to go bumbling around areas that you need FSD boosts to get in and out of with only one SRV :D
I thought that might be the case since you can carry two of them. Just thought that I should check before I go assaulting bases with my srv!

On the note of those boosts, do certain types of planet yield certain materials or is it random?
Has anyone endured the mission grind to get to high standing with The Empire? I'm just getting started on my way towards the faction ships and can't figure out which missions to do. Do I just grind courier runs until I get the ascension mission? I did a few combat missions last night but the minor faction was sending me to hit a target from another Empire affiliated minor faction, so I felt like it would be very counter-productive trying to gain Empire standing that way.

Apologies for quoting myself, but can anyone offer any advice here, please?
Apologies for quoting myself, but can anyone offer any advice here, please?
I ground my way up to King mostly doing charity/courier missions at Tamar, as I understand it though the mission spawn rate there has been nerfed so this may no longer be viable.

There's a huge thread on this topic on the official forums, probably the best advice I can give is the read the posts from the last few days and see what other players currently ranking up are saying:

Even using that keyboard video, I just cannot get the controls right, shame nobody has a screenshot of their set up! Barely played this game for 30mins or so and it's nothing like the old Elites. Too many buttons, yaw, roll up, left, thrust, ui button etc
So I was reading over the posts on the previous page regarding hourly income from trading, and decided to see if I can put a figure on how much I'm making from exploration via grinding neutron stars and black holes here in the core.

Timed how long it takes between scans and it was almost exactly one minute (actually 58.25 seconds); let's factor in time for route planning and other distractions and 50 scans an hour seems reasonable if you're really concentrating on grinding NS/BH and ignoring planets and other objects.

Average value for a BH is ~50k and NS is ~36k, plus whatever is tagged on for honking (unscanned planets pay out only 1/6th of what a scanned one does, but those 1/6ths all add up) and plus 50% for first finders fee (which you should always get, haven't seen a scanned system in weeks). I'd say if you're in an area of space with a high BH count then averaging 75k per system is easily do-able (probably a low estimate, but lets stick with 75k).

Also need to factor in that I always grind up to rank 5 with Sirius corp before handing in my data, for the 200% bonus to exploration payout.

So taking the figure of 75k per system, multiplying by 50 for an hours work and then adding the 200% bonus gives a grand total of... *drumroll*

11.25M credits per hour

Which seems about right.

Admittedly you have to take into account time spent getting to the core, and then time spent grinding to rank 5 in PP but leaving that aside it's competitive with a decent trade route (although obviously still much lower than the best) and personally I find exploration much more interesting than the mind numbing tedium of space trucking (although I'm aware that there are many who find exploration every bit as tedious).
Even using that keyboard video, I just cannot get the controls right, shame nobody has a screenshot of their set up! Barely played this game for 30mins or so and it's nothing like the old Elites. Too many buttons, yaw, roll up, left, thrust, ui button etc

I posted my bindings directly under the video. :)

W - Forward thrust
S - Reverse thrust
A/D - Strafe left/right
Q/E - Roll left/right
C - Vertical thrust down
[SPACE] - Vertical thrust up
[MOUSE] - Pitch & Yaw

X - Engines 0%
Mouse button 3 - Engines 75%
Mouse scroll - Increase/Decrease engines in 10% increments
[F1] - Super cruise
[F2] - Hyper drive
[F4] - Landing gear
[SHIFT] + WASD - Power management pips

F - Central target
G - Next system in route
Mouse 4 - Cycle targets
Mouse 5 - Target highest threat
1, 2, 3, 4 - Dashboard panels
[ALT] (hold) - Free-look
[RIGHT SHIFT] - Deploy/Retract hard-points
[TAB] - Shield Cell Bank or Heat Sink if I'm exploring
[BACKSPACE] - Silent running

It's pretty much as described on the video, but with a few personal tweaks. Make sure you set the mouse sensitivity controls as he does near the beginning. Think of it as though it's an FPS.
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I've had it with this game now. The slave grind is mindless tedium and I might as well be at work lol. But it doesn't seem as profitable to do other stuff, such as legal trading or taking on missions. I've had a couple of issues where the game has failed me, such as coming out of FSD inside the rear of a station and recently I clipped a planet's atmosphere and was dumped inside the planet's core. Both times I lost my very expensive Anaconda and around 20m in credits. I back playing the new Dying Light expansion.
I've had it with this game now. The slave grind is mindless tedium and I might as well be at work lol. But it doesn't seem as profitable to do other stuff, such as legal trading or taking on missions. I've had a couple of issues where the game has failed me, such as coming out of FSD inside the rear of a station and recently I clipped a planet's atmosphere and was dumped inside the planet's core. Both times I lost my very expensive Anaconda and around 20m in credits. I back playing the new Dying Light expansion.

send a message to the devs on elite support and they would refund your assets ship etc from before the game bugs and restore parity again :)
send a message to the devs on elite support and they would refund your assets ship etc from before the game bugs and restore parity again :)

I did and they restored my lost credits but since that happened, I have lost the inclination to play. I was playing about 5 hours a day and have racked up about 500 in total.

Edit: I just noticed that Steam has removed Horizons from my game list now so I can only see my ED history but it was about 500 hours.
Very often other cmdrs can be trouble! That said, you're more than welcome to wing up with me for a bit of chat and safety in numbers. I'll be doing the Robigo run for a while though.

Part of me is tempted to get a pirate clipper build on the go and hit Lave for lols

Thanks! Can you start multiple characters?

Not sure if there's an OCUK private group, but it's worth checking out Mobius. A group with quite a lot of players, where PvP is only by consent. It's still quite rare to see others, but better than playing solo.

Certainly check the Mobius Group, over 19k Commanders in one Private group.

Often find quite a few Commanders operating out of the home system of "Arzel", station is Rafferty's Mobius orbiting an earth like world of Rafferty's Paradise.

Thanks a lot, I'll definitely have to check out Mobius - I also like the sound of checking out an "Earth-like" planet :D

This evening I landed at another planet dock and drove around the SRV for a bit which was a bit of fun - Then I took a planet mission "Mission for Mercy" where I had to find a lost pilot who has left a distress signal. Spent the best part of an hour looking for it, found one defense target settlement, and nothing else :( Waste of time :( Any advice when doing these planet missions?
Ok so not played for a couple of months due to new house


My fave Hires site nr Kremainn. What happened to the local police. I used to attack however they attacked and then split for a while and come back for the kill shots. (I know I didn't have to for the bounty but bro points)

Anyhow. The Police have gone.....And no Conda's
Thanks! Can you start multiple characters?

Thanks a lot, I'll definitely have to check out Mobius - I also like the sound of checking out an "Earth-like" planet :D

This evening I landed at another planet dock and drove around the SRV for a bit which was a bit of fun - Then I took a planet mission "Mission for Mercy" where I had to find a lost pilot who has left a distress signal. Spent the best part of an hour looking for it, found one defense target settlement, and nothing else :( Waste of time :( Any advice when doing these planet missions?

You can buy multiple ships, but don't think you can have multiple accounts.

With the SRV the scanner usually picks up objectives or metal to mine. Haven't done that mission though.
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