*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Slightly bizarrely, I got a song stuck in my head earlier, and was having trouble placing it - eventually I remembered what it was: The main theme from Frontier: Elite 2! No idea why it had suddenly popped up, I must have been thinking about the game too much! Interesting to note that in my head, it is a lot higher fidelity than the PC speaker reality, having checked on Youtube that I was right. Similar to hazy memories of old games having much better graphics I guess.

This has also brought to mind a thought about ED. If they could add a music player in the game that you can add your own playlist too, it would be great - but what would really be amazing would be to have a list of events against which you can pick specific songs from the playlist. Not every time, but occasionally those events would kick in the identified song.

I wonder if that would be doable? I do miss all the classical stuff from the earlier Elite games.
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Got my Elite copy sitting waiting on a new Pc so watching a lot to twitch. A good few play music in the background when they stream Elite. Why would you need it part of the game. Can you not play music at the same time without it part of the game?
The idea of it being dynamic - effected by what was happening in the game - would require it to be part of the game.

You could argue that it's not necessary, but I think it could have quite a powerful effect. Exactly how, in the video on the last page, some music starts when that capital ship jumps in.
Got my Elite copy sitting waiting on a new Pc so watching a lot to twitch. A good few play music in the background when they stream Elite. Why would you need it part of the game. Can you not play music at the same time without it part of the game?

Happily listening right now whilst playing.
What spec was the Vette running, I'm still kitting my Python out, sounds like I might need to re-think that...

Well, I don't know except that it got through my 3 SCB and my Shields fairly quickly. It was his ridiculously heavy Shields that made it hard. Couldn't make a dent in them. Normally 2 med beams is enough to peel Shields off in 2 passes, but I think 3 large would have been better
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Just rage quit from Elite Dangerous - So infuriating! Tried another Planetary mission looking for an escape pod - Looked for a good hour and a half and only came across sentry turrets and a tonne of rocks to destroy. Abandoned the mission and took another mission to visit another planet - Got the right system, and there wasn't a planet to even land on!! I looked for another hour, went to every docking station in the system, nothing...

Getting buyers remorse on Horizons :(

What to do is take one pod mission and 20 sentry mussions then head out. Theres an oddity that pods will spawn more often if you also have sentry missions. Once out each sentry kill will chalk one up for each mission so you'll soon hve them all completed. Quite often when doing it like this you will collect around 15 pods meaning you cn take 15 pod missions and complete them instantly whn landed.
Just rage quit from Elite Dangerous - So infuriating! Tried another Planetary mission looking for an escape pod - Looked for a good hour and a half and only came across sentry turrets and a tonne of rocks to destroy. Abandoned the mission and took another mission to visit another planet - Got the right system, and there wasn't a planet to even land on!! I looked for another hour, went to every docking station in the system, nothing...

Getting buyers remorse on Horizons :(

Oh yeah, also you'll want at least a basic discovery scanner to find the planet. If you can't find it in the Nav panel, you need to scan for it and the do a proper scan of the planet by selecting and looking at it to reveal the station. Scanning systems is actually pretty cool. One system I landed in seemed to be empty but for the star. I scanned it and it turns out there were 42 other planets there. 42! All sorts of hidden awesome out there for you to find.
Oh yeah, also you'll want at least a basic discovery scanner to find the planet. If you can't find it in the Nav panel, you need to scan for it and the do a proper scan of the planet by selecting and looking at it to reveal the station. Scanning systems is actually pretty cool. One system I landed in seemed to be empty but for the star. I scanned it and it turns out there were 42 other planets there. 42! All sorts of hidden awesome out there for you to find.

+1 - make your second to last internal slot an Advanced Disc Scanner. It can save your life (and time) during missions
I've had a blast tonight..Think I may have found my new HiRes site. First go (before running out of ammo) 1.5M credits. still with 100%hull. 2nd go 3.5 million with 85% hull left.

That'll do for a quick blast.

Just wish I didn't have to go and re-arm. Any Ideas?? I cant seem to get away with just lasers...Unless I'm doing it wrong.
I've had a blast tonight..Think I may have found my new HiRes site. First go (before running out of ammo) 1.5M credits. still with 100%hull. 2nd go 3.5 million with 85% hull left.

That'll do for a quick blast.

Just wish I didn't have to go and re-arm. Any Ideas?? I cant seem to get away with just lasers...Unless I'm doing it wrong.

What ship?

One recommendation for not running a large/huge Cannon is to use a beam laser along with pulse lasers. Then use the beam laser to take out the Power Plant. But I find that having a Canon with 100 shots allows me to take down 50-75 ships with 1-2 shots each.
What ship?

One recommendation for not running a large/huge Cannon is to use a beam laser along with pulse lasers. Then use the beam laser to take out the Power Plant. But I find that having a Canon with 100 shots allows me to take down 50-75 ships with 1-2 shots each.

Viper Mk3. I tried a Vulture for all of 20 mins. Didn't like it. Back in the Viper

I'm using 2 turreted beam laser up top and 2 gimbled multi cannons underneath at present
I've recently got back into playing ED and have been enjoying it. But that enjoyment is fading because I'm finding the game a lonely, empty experience because I play in solo mode. The reason I play in solo mode is I don't think my piloting skills and ship are good enough yet to defend myself and I don't want to get jumped by some veteran ganker while going about my business. I don't need the stress of that, I play to relax.

Is there any system or faction area which is relatively safe for open play? Obviously nowhere is completely risk free and I don't expect zero risk, but are there any populated places where the majority of players look out for each other and gankers don't bother much? I'm guessing that staying away from Rare trade routes is a good starting point?

Currently I'm based in Eravate and wonder where I should head in Open mode.
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