***The Official Forza Motorsport 3 Thread***

I hate rewind and I have all these excessive assists - and BTW having line-assist is pointless. A true track representation would have the areas most used by cars be different colour on the tarmac - slightly darker due to the rubber.
I was playing FM2 the other night and i wish i had it in a few situations. I did exactly what T10 said people do, i turned it off instead of starting again. Its such a great feature for learning corners too. I think it was Moto-gp 2 that originaly had it and i always wondered why more racing games didn't use it.

Arcade game? lol ok.:rolleyes:
Arcade game?

yes, i was one of the 1st to finish FZ2 in this forum and not once was any of the telemetry needed or required to complete the game that they kept spouting on about last year on how real everything is. Now having a rewind feature - well thats just plain daft on a sim game. Hopefully it can be turned off.
having the whole rewind feature has made me say this is a arcade game now rather than any sim game.

It's just another 'optional' feature to allow more casual people to use what is shaping up to be an excellent 'sim' game.. It's as 'arcadey' as allowing Stability Control/Traction Control in games.. except in this case using it means your laptime isn't 'certified'.. :)

If you are in any doubt as to it's 'sim' qualities, jump to 6:30 in this video which was posted earlier..

yes, i was one of the 1st to finish FZ2 in this forum and not once was any of the telemetry needed or required to complete the game that they kept spouting on about last year on how real everything is. Now having a rewind feature - well thats just plain daft on a sim game. Hopefully it can be turned off.
I can't think of one racing game where you can't just turn the realism down in one way or another to make it easy to allow you to 'complete' it.. I don't think this is going to be any different either... Am I missing the point here :confused:
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yes, i was one of the 1st to finish FZ2 in this forum and not once was any of the telemetry needed or required to complete the game that they kept spouting on about last year on how real everything is. Now having a rewind feature - well thats just plain daft on a sim game. Hopefully it can be turned off.

Telemetry isn't needed but the tuners probably used it.

Just because a feature is there doesn't mean you have to use it.
Telemetry isn't needed but the tuners probably used it.

Just because a feature is there doesn't mean you have to use it.

It is a little superflous, but it's such as easy thing to provide, since it's all largely part of the physics engine.. I don't really use it myself..

But you certainly need to 'tune' your car's setup a lot if you want to be competitive on-line, especially with time challenges..
It is a little superflous, but it's such as easy thing to provide, since it's all largely part of the physics engine.. I don't really use it myself..

But you certainly need to 'tune' your car's setup a lot if you want to be competitive on-line, especially with time challenges..

I don't think people realise how much people were into tuning and painting in FM2.

And i can't believe the people criticising T10 for providing these features.:confused:
nice to see they have cockpit view this time. Anyway shall probably have a dabble no doubt but if they haven't done some major changes to the progression through the game compared to Forza2 then i probably get bored this time real quick. After all 20/30 laps round Laguna for each tier/lv of car got real tedious and doubt i'll bother if not much has changed, i.e no weather effects,day or night racing and done the paint job whole trade thing to death on FZ2

Can agree you may need to tune your car for online play but normally i find that not the case with most online games where people just want to ram you off the road on the 1st bend, lol
It's just another 'optional' feature to allow more casual people to use what is shaping up to be an excellent 'sim' game.. It's as 'arcadey' as allowing Stability Control/Traction Control in games.. except in this case using it means your laptime isn't 'certified'.. :)

If you are in any doubt as to it's 'sim' qualities, jump to 6:30 in this video which was posted earlier..

I can't think of one racing game where you can't just turn the realism down in one way or another to make it easy to allow you to 'complete' it.. I don't think this is going to be any different either... Am I missing the point here :confused:

Most annoying stupid host ever.
nice to see they have cockpit view this time. Anyway shall probably have a dabble no doubt but if they haven't done some major changes to the progression through the game compared to Forza2 then i probably get bored this time real quick. After all 20/30 laps round Laguna for each tier/lv of car got real tedious and doubt i'll bother if not much has changed, i.e no weather effects,day or night racing and done the paint job whole trade thing to death on FZ2

Can agree you may need to tune your car for online play but normally i find that not the case with most online games where people just want to ram you off the road on the 1st bend, lol

They've apparantly totally over-hauled SP and seem to think it's going to be much better..
They've got drift/drag, possibly point-to-point race modes to help people pick from, and I believe some kind of dynamic game element that changes the SP races/challenges depending on what you do..

I'll see what transpires from this, because I've never found any 'race' game engaging in SP mode, you inevitably end up racing around a circuit with other cars a lot, even if the weather/time changes, it is still quite linear..

I also know what you mean about on-line.. if you are in 'casual' races with noobs like that, you just slow down well before the first corner, then pass them all on the inside when they all ram each other into the barrier :)
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A little bit on the game from one of the lucky contestants from the Audi 24h event held in New York at the weekend.

As for the build of Forza 3 we played, I can't help but be excited. While I'm not one to get all mushy about the scenary and visuals as I'm all about the road and physics it certainly looked the part, some times I did find myself looking at the backgrounds and particularly the cars in some definite awe. And as for those physics and being a wheel user myself I was fully satisfied. Good degree of difficulty and a spot on observation by Wildchild of a heavier feeling car are two things I look forward to.
I reckon the telemetry output is something the've made presentable from the development builds and is how they fine tune the cars standard setup to align with reality.

I can't beleive anyone can complain a game has OPTIONAL assists. They come in trolling like its the end of the world. Most of the sim heads who played the game at E3 were perfectly happy with it and can't beleive it's on a console. What more can you ******* want?! They have to sell this to more than 10 people you know.

The rewind feature is nothing but helpful for novice and experienced players. If I was trying to learn a circuit, the worst thing ever is having to traul round the lap again just to master one difficult corner. Also takes out the fustration of the AI taking you out on the last lap of an 8 lap race for the 8th attempt in a row (Forza 2 the other night, I was alost in tears).
I can't beleive anyone can complain a game has OPTIONAL assists. They come in trolling like its the end of the world. Most of the sim heads who played the game at E3 were perfectly happy with it and can't beleive it's on a console. What more can you ******* want?! They have to sell this to more than 10 people you know.

The rewind feature is nothing but helpful for novice and experienced players. If I was trying to learn a circuit, the worst thing ever is having to traul round the lap again just to master one difficult corner. Also takes out the fustration of the AI taking you out on the last lap of an 8 lap race for the 8th attempt in a row (Forza 2 the other night, I was alost in tears).

I can see both sides TBH, its a good feature for "learners" and those who want to perfect a lap or a particular corner, but its also a cheat button for those like yourself who get involved in a racing incident. Its all part of racing i guess, wether its you getting taking out on the last band or the AI car crashing out its all part of the experience of driving. Maybe it can only be used in easy mode as such or if you use it you have some kind of penalty if you use it in a normal race. For example if you get taken out on the last lap if you didnt use the rewind you could only finish 4th, but if you use the rewind you would win race but only end up getting 50% of the win bonus and some other penalty. This would allow the skilled players to "level up" faster if they didnt have to use it and those who are not so good still advance but a slower rate and without the frustration of getting taken out.
I can see both sides TBH, its a good feature for "learners" and those who want to perfect a lap or a particular corner, but its also a cheat button for those like yourself who get involved in a racing incident. Its all part of racing i guess, wether its you getting taking out on the last band or the AI car crashing out its all part of the experience of driving. Maybe it can only be used in easy mode as such or if you use it you have some kind of penalty if you use it in a normal race. For example if you get taken out on the last lap if you didnt use the rewind you could only finish 4th, but if you use the rewind you would win race but only end up getting 50% of the win bonus and some other penalty. This would allow the skilled players to "level up" faster if they didnt have to use it and those who are not so good still advance but a slower rate and without the frustration of getting taken out.

All racing games are like this..

Take a crap driver who just wants to 'finish' the game as quickly as possible. He turns on ESP/TC/ABS/Dumb Physics/Easy AI and then just practically walks around the track to finish easily first each time..
Then you have the more discerning racers who turn everything off, physics to the max, AI on hardcore and have to spend some time learning the car and circuit and possibly tuning the cars setup and it still takes 20+ 'takes' at the race to finish first..

I really can't see how 'rewind' is any worse then many other 'assists' that are considered 'standard'.. and I really wonder why people are so concerned about it?

To really blow peoples minds, I'm gobsmacked that no-one has picked up on the fact in FM2 you can 'hire' a driver, set the AI to easy and you are pretty much guaranteed a win, you can do all SP career races in this manner, not ever actually doing any driving! :)
Any assists, rewinds etc.. don't bother me at all, I'll have Traction Control and Stability Off, ABS on for a start, and yeah, if its near the end of a SP race I might sometimes end up rewinding, but with a game like this, as great as SP is, its also a big practice session for online.

If I race online and want a proper challenge, I make sure Traction and Stability are forced off, along with racing lines!

No assist is a bad thing for SP, different rules for different people, no problem there, options to "dumb the game down" are fine, as long as they remain just that, Options.

I have no trouble with someone wanting to play FM with Traction on, ABS on and Racing Lines on, once you have buoght the game, you play it how YOU want to, yes the devs, at heart would love everyone to play in full on sim mode, but thats not the way this works.

In my opinion, this game is going to be awesome, and the more people that get to experience that and to be a part of the community, the better.

*imho ;)
i regulary used to play with no assists on forza 2, mostly cause it made it feel more immersive having to check that you dont press the brake too hard causing you to lock the wheels.
when i saw my mate play it with all assists it was a joke, his car was a fair bit slower into corners and braking may have been better but lets face it, your racing around the track, not braking...
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