***The Official HP TouchPad Thread***

Annoyances for me so far, any workarounds?

- No home page in browser
- No storing of passwords in the browser
- Rubbish bookmark icons (image from target page) with no way to customise them
- No way to organise bookmarks

- No way to switch between Facebook accounts in the Facebook app

Although I havent tried it yet I thought the advanced browser did most of these?

Advanced Browser for webOS extends the functionality of the standard browser and adds a couple of useful features like: * Start page with bookmarks * Remembering and auto filling login names and passwords * Searching webpages * Tabs (requires webOS 3.0.2) * Remembering open Tabs (coming soon) * Instapaper integration (via Paper Mache from Ryan Watkins; Available for free via the webOS app catalog) * Twitter integration (via Spaz HD from Funkatron Productions; Available for free via the webOS app catalog) Advanced Browser for webOS is also integrated with SecuStore 2 from MaKleSoft. Web logins that a stored in SecuStore 2 can be opened in this app for use with the auto filling feature!
Or to replace your internet icon with a homepage:

just just go to the page you want.... Hit share... Add to launcher.

then replace the globe icon with the icon for the webpage you just saved to launcher. Yeah you lose the shiny globe, but it serves an identical purpose.
Anyone played with developing Apps yet?
Basic ones using Enyo seem fairly straightforward, but I've not figured out how to do anything clever/useful yet.

Quite fun playing in Virtualbox with a virtual Touchpad though :)
The speed they're developing this is astonishing but the more I use WebOS the more disappointed I'll be to move to Android.

WebOS doe's have it's good points and could have been a great OS if they had given it more time and got rid of some of the quirks and rough edges, but i personally can't wait for Android almost purely for the much much wider choice of apps because for me the touchpad feels handicapped because i can't use it how i want to use it because of the missing apps.
for me webOS is ok, but its broken. Feels like I am using some beta OS.

I could live with it, but it does frustrate me.
My touchpad needed to be charged from nothing today. The charging is awful. Unlike laptops/MP3 players/anything else I've charged, it needs to be plugged in for a fair while before it'll turn on. Then you run the battle of angling the cable just right or it doesn't charge.
A right pain!
mines developed the crack by the speaker, only tiny maybe 3mm
called up hp yesterday, they argreed to repair it, had to state to the woman at least 5 times that i have not dropped it, eventually said "lets get this straight now i have not dropped it" she never asked again
they are sending me a prepaid box to send it back in
i did think about ignoring the crack, but on a device thats a week old i should not have to put up with it
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