****The Official, I`m A Type 1 Diabetic Thread****

9 Jul 2009
As above,

Been type 1 since november 2008.
Post any experiences good or bad
How often you test etc etc.

Going on a BERTIE course on the 23rd , anybody else been on it (or DAFNE?)

Interested to know your experiences...
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Thread wont last long.

However, what "types" are there, as my dad has just been diagnosed with a mild form of diabetes.

There are 2 main types

Type 1 , pancreas doesnt make any insulin at all so you have to inject insulin

Type 2 , diet controlled (maybe some insulin needed) pancreas either makes some insulin or cannot cope with the diet the person is following.
You diabetics are such elitists.

Fine, make the rest of us feel inferior with your "I HAVE DIABETES, I'M SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU" attitude.

Not at all , Just wanted to share experiences with people who also have a potentially deadly disease. if you have nothing to say go to another thread.

Are your sundays really that empty?????
Firestarter - take care and always do as you've been told.

This seemingly innoculous disease killed my sister at 29, even though she'd had it since she was 9 years old.

That is exactly why I started this thread , so any experiences good or bad could be shared, most people dont realise how serious this can be.

Sorry to hear about your sister:(
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