*** The Official iPad (Early 2012) Thread ***

TNT: last and only location was Nuneaton at 3pm....


Date Time Location Status
16 Mar 2012* 04:11:11* Reading* Shipment Received At Destination Depot.*
15 Mar 2012* 18:13:00* KG4* Shipment Received At Transit Point.*
15 Mar 2012* 15:24:00* Nuneaton* Shipment In Transit.*

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Argos Reservations now work but it took me a while to figure it out :p

Go to Argos website and search for 'iPad 16GB' or 32GB or 64GB remember to include the ' in the search box or the New iPad results wont come up! If you only search for iPad you only get the holding advert page.

Note down the catalogue number and text the <catalogue number> <store number> to 61201. If its out of stock it will suggest a near by store that has stock, then just reply with reserve

Use the store locator to find the store numbers, good luck!

EDIT - Here's the catalogue numbers so is easier

New iPad with WiFi 16GB - Black. 5087444
New iPad with WiFi 16GB - White. 5087451
New iPad with WiFi 32GB - Black. 5087468
New iPad with WiFi 32GB - White. 5087475
New iPad with WiFi 64GB - Black. 5087482
New iPad with WiFi 64GB - White. 5087499

New iPad with WiFi + 4G 16GB - White. 5087516
New iPad with WiFi + 4G 16GB - Black. 5087509
New iPad with WiFi + 4G 32GB - White. 5087530
New iPad with WiFi + 4G 32GB - Black. 5087523
New iPad with WiFi + 4G 64GB - White. 5087554
New iPad with WiFi + 4G 64GB - Black. 5087547
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Destination LEICESTER
Delivery date
Date Time Location Status
16 Mar 2012 02:21:00 Leicester Out For Delivery.
15 Mar 2012 22:41:00 Leicester Out For Delivery.
15 Mar 2012 18:11:00 KG4 Shipment Received At Transit Point.
15 Mar 2012 14:55:00 Nuneaton Shipment In Transit.

hope everyone gets there orders today.
Mines with ukmail and says "at delivery location" but I'm at work till 3pm, my sons in waiting for delivery though!

I'm looking forward to you guys posting pics to keep me going till 3 :D
As we're now a "mines out for delivery from...." thread (well some miserable sods gonna bitch about it eventually so I may as well jump in first :D)

mines out for delivery from the UPS Luton depot :D
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Well my delayed delivery yesterday looks like it got re-routed over night.

It arrived at Teeside and is now out for delivery.

I have to say both the Syncreon site and UKMail site contradict themselves and each other. The Syncreon site especially is awful.

Unless it arrives before 8:30 the missus will be taking collection of mine. Looking forward to the shiny pics in here (first with hovis). :)
I had a nightmare while sleeping last night that I'd logged into the UPS tracking website and it was showing that it wouldn't be delivered today as it had been mis-routed!

I woke from my sleep feeling absolutely gutted but immediately checked the UPS website and was so happy to see it saying "Out for Delivery" at 5:30 this morning!
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