*** The Official OcUK Beers Of The World Competition - Last Orders ***

When are where do the results get posted? This thread?

4) You may send your picture into the competition email address right up until the Saturday before the 'Results' thread is posted on the Sunday night at 8pm. Any email MUST be in the inbox by 8pm of each Saturday night (anything after this time will NOT count). This is to allow time to compile pictures, check entries etc.

A new Results thread will be created each week for the round in question. I'll link to it/them on page one of this thread, just so it's easier for us all to use as a reference.

Should be posted tonight around 8pm in GD.


Only one shock this week.
Nah, it'll be one of the following:-

A - A few folk entered the same beer
B - I forgot to attach my photo (again)
C - Someone entered a Canadian beer :eek: ;)
D - Someone entered a beer that isn't American
I wonder if the results thread will start off with the phrase "the results have been counted and verified" as used by reality shows. I wonder who actually does the counting and verifying although in this case, I can't imagine there's really too much of either to do.

I'm quite excited, I might even crack open another bottle of beer.
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