*** The Official OcUK Beers Of The World Competition - Last Orders ***

Question re: X rated round (as I think I have a great one), let's say I have a beer that has a name that is a not very well known but definite term for an explicit act, would that be ok?

The one I have kind of made me think it could have a meaning like this and a google search confirmed my thought.

It's difficult to answer without knowing what it is. Like all rounds it's a gamble but if you include any explanation along with your entry, it helps.

If it helps at all, look at the H round again where I have posted my original X round beer. Also, if you entered say 'Netflix & Chill Ale' ;) this wouldn't count.
not got high hopes for this weeks. But i do love a nice IPA so it was a pleasure drinking it. whenever I did cant remember when i entered it :D

With a poll most likely to happen for the H round. This weeks round (I) will be suspended and restart next Saturday 20th.

Please enter your beer pictures as normal. Cheers.
surely no need to suspend the next round? There's no slang term for an IPA is there?!

The points still have to be confirmed for round H therefore I'm not starting another round until this is done.

The poll will run the same length as C round, 3 days. This takes us past Saturday's Round I start date.
Rule Update.

After Round H poll closes on Monday morning, some of you will be relieved to know. No more polls, no more votes. Judges decision is final.

By all means if you spot a mistake or something I've overlooked, then please feel free to call me out on it.
R_sole, you flatter yourself a little too much.

Anyone that doesn't want to be in the completion, all you have to do is... don't send your beer entry. For those that still do, get your IPA entered (if not already) by Saturday the 20th.

For clarity, judges decision is final. Any rules that are not listed on page one of this thread will be made up by myself as we continue with the competition.

Round H will have its points updated soon, as for the nil pointers.

All zero with Sonea_Fifer being the only exception, 5pts.

Any complaints about the above, tough ****!

...and now we're back on track I have a question :D

Round K - The name of a weapon will suffice, right? I thought this may have already been answered but couldn't see it.

Round K is themed. Image, name or brewery.

As mentioned by Bickaxe above, K round is themed so anything relating to fighting will count for beer name, brewery or even label/can image.

Weapons will be fine.
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