*** The Official OcUK Beers Of The World Competition - Last Orders ***

DJ, this may have already been covered but what's the rules on replacing an entered entry with a new one?

Not certain I want to yet but I'm considering it.

The question has been asked/answered before but I've no problem going over it again :)

You can change your entry if, you've made a mistake ie. misread the summary etc. and entered the wrong beer. One that will be deemed to be invalid.

If indeed your first beer is classed as an invalid entry then all is good. If it turns out your first entry is actually valid and you are just 'changing your mind', it's bad. No points will then be awarded.

Make sense?
I'd be happy to add to the prize fund.

Cool idea would be for everybody to send their favourite beer from the comp to the winner. Maybe next time if people agree.

That's uncanny! The same thought had crossed my mind too :D

Having said that, everyone coughs up a fair bit to play this and I've never had a problem sorting a few winners out. This year 5UB has also very kindly offered to throw in a few goodies too :)
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