*** The Official OcUK Beers Of The World Competition - Last Orders ***

Best to be on the toilet when you have the squits mate, not staying in bed.

It's a gamble for you now. If you match anchundan you might end up an MoH. If you match me you might never post again :D
So, been proper ill this week, as you may see from this weeks entry (pic taken on car seat in Sainsbury's car park :) ) the wife was not chuffed my first stop from the hospital was to get a beer for this week :)

Q round, one very lucky person, i'm saying no more than that as we have now moved on to R.

Glad to be back, Love beer, hate kidney stones!
Q round, one very lucky person, i'm saying no more than that as we have now moved on to R.
Oh you can't do that! Tell us more.

Glad your kidney stones are sorted.

I've just drunk the beer that I was initially planning as my main R entry. It was foul. I forget the last time I actually poured most of a bottle of beer away but this went down the drain after just a couple of mouthfuls. I'm pleased I didn't submit it.
Q round, one very lucky person, i'm saying no more than that as we have now moved on to R.

I'm also intrigued! Apart from Jokester's entry also being entered previously by Kaptainmarc in week K, and a few spelling mistakes with beer names, I can't see anything obvious (just curious, as you say, far too late now since the leaderboard has been updated)!

These are the first weeks results that I can actually see the photos - not sure what's changed. All I know is outside China I can see the photos ok, but inside China, I either get tiny thumbnails or nothing at all!

Glad to hear you are out of hospital. For me, Love beer, hate Gout :(
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I noticed this morning that one of my beers I've got for a forthcoming round is almost out of date. Considering how bad the bottle I poured away last night was (two months out of date), I think I'm going to drink it tonight.
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