Best place to order rayman legends? Amazon is £27 including free first class delivery, not preordered from them before though! Do they get it out in time for release or dispatch it on the day, its unclear on the site
What was that mech game, I used to play spilt screen with my friend all the time on PSX but we only had the demo. I think you could jump and fly as well, not Mechwarrior obv. It was like those Gundam Wing style mechs.
never played shenmue. so i'm kinda hoping its a HD remake of both.
good shout on micro machines or a top down multi player racer! MM HD would be great fun!
edit: thinking about dreamcast days, i wish they'd bring out toy commander HD! or something similar!
On another note, Would love to see a HD remake of the original Alundra, one of the best & most under rated PS1 games.
Although I don't think it'll be Shenmue this has just cropped up today.
On another note, Would love to see a HD remake of the original Alundra, one of the best & most under rated PS1 games.
What was that mech game, I used to play spilt screen with my friend all the time on PSX but we only had the demo. I think you could jump and fly as well, not Mechwarrior obv. It was like those Gundam Wing style mechs.
Yarp, but they should design a gun that is.
Although I don't think it'll be Shenmue this has just cropped up today.
quick question, as i'm at work. is rayman legends any good? and have the games been any good recently? i don't think i've played one since ps1 days! it's just i'm getting a little bored of shooting things on my ps4and fancied playing something different.