*** The Official Samsung Galaxy Note II Thread ***

... So you bought this phone for £549 on Sunday, and now 3 days later you're selling it for £509, minus 10% for ebay fees?!

Talk about depreciation!

The auction hasn't finished yet. I sold the other one for £580, and eBay fees don't worry me as I sell so much stuff through eBay that it makes no difference to me.
The auction hasn't finished yet. I sold the other one for £580, and eBay fees don't worry me as I sell so much stuff through eBay that it makes no difference to me.

10% is 10%, no matter how you dress it :p Plus the very real chance of scamming when selling phones (ebay always side with the buyer).

Still, if you don't mind the hassle and loss of money, then more power to you. I'm sure you get to try out lots of phones...
There is a "one handed operation" mode. This shrinks the size of the on-screen keyboard, and aligns it with either the left or the right side of the screen for easier thumb access.

He means changing the DPI like this:

213 DPI: http://i.imgur.com/QPIZb.png
320 DPI: http://i.imgur.com/LnDNW.png

213DPI vs 320DPI (stock DPI) on my Note1

I'm pretty sure this option won't be available on the stock ROM on the Note 2.
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Back from Westfield and I am pretty impressed with the Note II. Yes it's ginormous, but that has it's advantages. Its got a great screen, very clear and super bright. Performance was super smooth and fast.

Grrrrr - I also noticed that the stock DPI was wayy to high for my liking - almost like a toddlers toy! Custom Rom needed!

Grey looked very classy and it's deffo the colour I want.

This picture I took sums it up nicely :D:


And this how the CPW Monkey's mounted a Brand New Grey Note II...shock-mofo-horror :eek: :

Kona we must have crossed paths, i was there about an hour ago.

Impressions - The Grey is gorgeous and fell in love with it immediately. I compared the screen with the S3 and i have to admit that the Note2 was way way batter. I loaded up OCUK on both and turned them both to landscape. Looked at the text and could see a 'sawtooth' effect on the S3 where the note2 was perfect.

This is the new phone that i will be keeping my eye on. No where in startford actually had the grey avaliable, whats with Samsungs obession with white? i always through it was an ugly colour for a phone. They need to sort out thier priorities as they are forcing white on people that would otherwise choose another colour
Kona we must have crossed paths, i was there about an hour ago.

I left Samsung at 1800. I was speaking to guy who's on XDA and we had a nice chat :D.

The tradeoff between the high Pentile ppi of the S3 (303) and the lower RGB ppi of the Note2 (267) is a hard one. Either is fine with me. But the screen on the Note2 is noticeabley brighter that the one on the S3. The Note2 is a monster multimedia device!

And i would use it as such. The screen is way better then i thought it would be. I don't think there's a trade off at all, it's just better in every way. The text is much sharper, clearer and 'neater' if you know what i mean.
I found the text smoother on the N2 than the penTile S3 but I thinK a 300+ppi screen RGB screen would look sharper. This is upclose though...at normal viewing distance its great.

DPI on the other hand was comical.
Anyone heard when buymobilephones.net are getting grey stock? Also do we know if they are sim free phones?

My s3 is locked to three and sis be getting the note on an orange contract through them, so i assume i just call three for an unlock code but my sim should just work in the note?
Anyone heard when buymobilephones.net are getting grey stock? Also do we know if they are sim free phones?

No, and no.

I have an order in with them, and I got an email from them late last night saying "We expect the phone to be with us soon, at which point we will progress your order."

Doesn't exactly inspire confidence... What is "soon"? Tomorrow? Next week? Sometime this month? I guess it was sent because the stock indicator on their website changed from "pre order" to "available soon", which doesn't really mean much. I may switch my order to mobilephonesdirect instead - they are saying 3 days for the Grey (Friday delivery?)

As for whether they are SIM free phones - I don't know. I would doubt it though; if you check the website you will see that some of the white phones on Orange are "in stock", whereas the white phones on T-mobile are not. This would suggest at least some difference between the phones on different networks, which makes me think they'll be network locked. I can't really say for sure either way though.
Best I've found so far is free handset, £15 cashback, £36 a month on T-Mobile (Full Monty) with unlimited internet, unlimited texts and 2000 mins. I was hoping for something closer to around £30 a month though.

Do T-Mobile even allow you to take out 2 contracts with them? My wife is on T-Mobile and her contract is in my name.
Do T-Mobile even allow you to take out 2 contracts with them? My wife is on T-Mobile and her contract is in my name.

Of course! Why would they turn down extra business?!

I have two contracts with T-mobile right now - one for me and one for my Dad's phone.

The Full Monty £36 deal is definitely a good buy if you're going to be using a lot of minutes and data. £30 for such a high-usage tariff isn't realistic with a brand new £500 phone unfortunately. Maybe after Christmas you will find something similar for a little over £30.
Ooh, first post for a while...

Right, I had a play with on in p4u yesterday. It is titanic and the s3 seemed more sensible size-wise. That's the head. The heart says 'you make few calls and use lots of internets, get the tabletphone'. The considerations are price - the s3 is cheap, pocket compatibility - the s3 looks like it is more pocket friendly and also performance - the n2 is more powerful and appears to have better battery life.

So, is it ok for trouser pockets?

Also, my voda rapey rapey contract is up in 2 months, is it possible to buy it out, get a Pac code and use said code for a new voda contract?

Cheers, and as always, good thread!
No, and no.

I have an order in with them, and I got an email from them late last night saying "We expect the phone to be with us soon, at which point we will progress your order."

Doesn't exactly inspire confidence... What is "soon"? Tomorrow? Next week? Sometime this month? I guess it was sent because the stock indicator on their website changed from "pre order" to "available soon", which doesn't really mean much. I may switch my order to mobilephonesdirect instead - they are saying 3 days for the Grey (Friday delivery?)

As for whether they are SIM free phones - I don't know. I would doubt it though; if you check the website you will see that some of the white phones on Orange are "in stock", whereas the white phones on T-mobile are not. This would suggest at least some difference between the phones on different networks, which makes me think they'll be network locked. I can't really say for sure either way though.

Damn, i know my mobiles.co.uk desire was unlocked but i think they are part of cpw. Will have to ring mpd to ask tomorrow then as they seem to be only site with the orange deal.
Kitchster_uk - If you buy it, you will get use to the size very quickly and other phones will start to feel small. My S3 still feels like a small phone to me now and I've had it for a few months, I came from the original Note (which is slightly thicker and wider then the Note II) but that fitted in all my trouser/jean pockets although it isn't the most comfortable thing to carry around, you always know its there.

I would definitely get it over the S3 if I was buying now because like yourself, I also make very few phone calls these days, I mainly text and use whatsapp for messaging. Every time you use the Note II it will be a far more pleasurable experience than using the S3 because of the larger screen - browsing the net, watching videos and playing games all make it worthwhile.

You can't go wrong with the S3 but the Note II will make EVERYTHING seem better! (Apart from making phone calls which you don't do much anyway. ;))
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